How Teenagers Self-Destruct | Teen Ink

How Teenagers Self-Destruct

August 19, 2008
By Anonymous

"She's so pretty." I whispered in my head. I didn't want her to snap her head around and with those big beautiful brown eyesread my judgemental mind.

"Breathe," I thought, "She's not Edward. She can't hear thoughts."

At the mention of Edward my spine tingled. "I can't believe that Stephenie Meyer already released Breaking Dawn and I already read it. Back to searching the shelves of our crappy library."

"She read them faster." I suddenly realized.

"___A___ did too."

"But ___A___ isn't perfect. He is just gifted. She's beautiful and smart." To myself I whined in despair, "She parties and has at least 2 points on me in GPA."

"Well, don't like her then."

"But I don't have a good reason not to like her."

"True. But she's not perfect. She walks funny."

"I'm short"

"Her shoes are ugly."

"So, mine are old."


"Stop what? Admiring her?

"Yes, It's not healthy."

"But it's true. I know it's true. She's perfect at Absolutely Everything and I'm not!"




"Yeah, really dramatic. I need to stop."

Silence followed. My mind was suddenly blank. But no one else knew that.

Every 8 Seconds There Is A Pause In A Conversation.

"___B___ likes her more than me."

I contemplated my counter thought.

"Has ___B___ been a good friend lately?"

Again, silent thought.

"No, she's very hostile. It really bothers me. She acts like I'm irrational for having emotions and opinions."

"See? So why does it matter that ___C___ is the object of anxiety and frustration?"

"It doesn't." I admitted weakly to myself. "It doesn't matter at all." Now I was satisfied. Friends had left me before. Nothing new.

"Just let it go."

"Aldready did."


"Besides, I made a 4 on the AP test."

"___C___ did too." Antagonizing, no...testing the thought.

"But I expected her a 5 and she made a 4. I made a 4. I don't need brown eyes."

"Nice. Now we're on the right track."

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