Not Exactly the Flight Plan | Teen Ink

Not Exactly the Flight Plan

January 15, 2013
By Sarah Zidek BRONZE, Mt. Prospect, Illinois
Sarah Zidek BRONZE, Mt. Prospect, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Yes Oliver?”
“…Why is our plane full of otters?” The pilot asked nervously, wringing his hands together. Richard spun his officer’s chair around to face the captain.
“Yes! Otters! They’re everywhere; in the seats, in the galley, everywhere!”
“Well there shouldn’t be otters in our plane…”
“No! No there shouldn’t! Oh forget you, you’re never any help. I’m going to find Arthur.” Oliver stormed from the flight deck to the cabin where Arthur was organizing the drink tray surrounded by dozens of the small creatures.
“Why are there otters on my plane?” Oliver seethed.
“There aren’t any otters on this plane!”
“Well what do you call those?”

The author's comments:
This piece was a writing assignment for my creative writing class. The assignment was that we had to write a story in 110 words exactly.

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