Exhausted | Teen Ink


January 24, 2013
By eHmystery BRONZE, Ayr, Other
eHmystery BRONZE, Ayr, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself.

Exhausted, I walked up the stairs, one at a time. It had been a very long and boring day. Lethargically, I changed my clothes and crawled into bed, my watch blinking: 21:14. Early? Regardless, I was tired.
The morning came too quickly. I shielded my eyes from the Sun and got up. I had forgotten to take my socks off before falling asleep, very uncharacteristic. Bending down, I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and pulled them on.
I walked over to my door, dragging my feet. It was hot, but then again, Tasmania only had two seasons: hot and humid. The door shocked me with electricity that had built up between my socks and the carpet. After I made my way to the staircase, I descended and went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and found a leftover sandwich from the day before. Leaving, I glanced at the wall clock : 3:49am.
In my room again, I looked at my bed. Shrugging, I murmured “Screw it.” I set the nibbled sandwich on my desk and left to go take a shower. Once that was done, I dressed, closed my window, and sat down at my desk. I powered up the computer and waited for all of the systems to be checked. I opened a browser and let it load. My backpack was leaning against the wall; I picked it up and took out my notebook. I had written down a couple of short-story titles.
If I can’t exact pleasure from anything else, the least I can do is write a good story... Operating my computer, I opened a text document and started writing. By the time I had finished, the story that I had concocted was almost 20 pages long, spanning about 18-thousand words. I looked back at my notes. The maximum length was 800.
I opened another text document and wrote another story, this one much shorter. The entire process lasted for only ten minutes. Looking over it once more, I decided that it wasn't as good as it should be, and wrote another, and one more after that. I was excited now, almost as if I were in a trance.
I let the ideas flow, like blood through veins, pulsing; always plentiful. My fingers became nimble, agile, and almost athletic. I saw the characters of my tales come to life. I wanted to contemplate whether or not this was how God felt, creating and destroying as he wished, but was too fascinated with my own new world. Everything depended on me. Everyone did as I bid, no matter the outcomes or implications of their actions.
Normally, I do not find pleasure in doing harm to others. Everyone has a right to be who they want to be, to do as they wish so long as not to disturb others. Suddenly, though, the lines between good and evil became very thin. In one story, I could brew a foul scheme to take the president’s life. In another, I could tuck a damsel away in a fortress the size of a city, behind an lava-filled moat. The end would always be as I saw fit.

This new-found vigour was amazing. I took a deep breath and looked over what I had done. The result was a long list of colourful essays and short-stories, most of them at around a thousand words or less. I hovered my mouse over the ‘save’ button and click it multiple times. Better be safe than sorry, eh?
I pushed my chair back and stood up, stretching my legs and rubbing the kink out of my neck. It had been a wonderful morning. Turning around, I felt something strike my head and opened my eyes in time to see the world coming at me -- sideways!
I opened my eyes once more and blinked rapidly, adjusting to the sharp contrast of the light emitted by my computer monitor. For some reason, it seemed far away. To be honest, my back didn’t feel right either, and my neck was at a rather odd angle.
I felt around with my forearms, feeling the carpet. I pushed at what I thought was the wall, and promptly collided with the underside of my desk. Blinking even more rapidly, I realized, that what I had thought was the wall was actually the floor. Grabbing for my chair without turning around, I plopped myself in my seat and laid my arm on the cool oak. It came away wet.
Completely bewildered, I looked down. My desk was covered in drool... Had I been asleep? It still felt like night, and I was fairly rested... I looked at my computer; there was an open text document, the cursor blinking after the words: A pleasure seeker. I checked the time: 4:12am...

The author's comments:
Just a story about writing, i let my imagination run wild...

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