flash fiction | Teen Ink

flash fiction

March 11, 2013
By Mr.simple BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Mr.simple BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"if you love something let it go, if it comes back to you it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was."-Tupac Shakur

You can’t trust anybody anymore!

On a Saturday night Danny was at home getting ready for his four month anniversary date with Lisa. “Is the camera ready bro,” Danny asked? “Yep,” said Jesus. After Danny was ready, he got into his car and went to go pick up Lisa. When he picked up Lisa he noticed that she wasn't wearing the bracelet he made for her birthday. He was upset about it, but chooses to ignore it. "So where are we going" Lisa asked? "To Olive Garden." "Oh yay! I love that place!" said Lisa.
It took them a while to get there because of traffic, but they arrived. As Danny is parking his car he noticed Jesus car was here. As they get out of the car they head to the restaurant and Danny opens the door for Lisa. “ladies first," he said. “Why thank you." Lisa walks in and Danny looks outside from left to right, and then goes inside.
"Hello sir how may I help you?" "Table for two please," Danny said. "Right this way sir." The waiter had led them to their table and as they sat down the waiter gave them menus. "Can I start you guys off with drinks? “Can I get pink lemonade," Lisa asked? "Of course and what about you sir?" "I'll just have some water please."
"Very well sir I will be back." As the waiter walks away they both look at their menus to see what they have. "Danny what do you think I should get." "Anything my love." "Awwww you’re so sweet." Ten minutes pass and the waiter arrives to their table. "Are you guys ready to order?"
"Umm yes I'll have the Chicken Alfredo Pizza please?" "Okay Sir one Chicken Alfredo Pizza and what about you ma’am?" "I'll have the Moscato Peach Chicken." "Ooh good choice ma’am. Okay I'll have your food ready in about twenty minutes.” "Thank you sir," Danny said. As the waiter leaves Danny looks at Lisa with discomfort.
"Danny what’s wrong," she asked? "Hmm oh nothing I was just spacing out. Sorry about that." Lisa was worried about Danny because he had been acting different like how he doesn't spend that much time with her anymore and that he always busy. How he cancels our plans at the last minute. "Hey Danny has everything been alright with you lately?" "Yeah why?"
"You've been acting weird lately. “OH it's just I'm going through some things at home." Twenty minutes later the waiter comes with their food. “Here you go guys have a great day and enjoy your meal." "Thank you sir," Danny said. "Alright let’s eat," Lisa said.
An hour passes Danny and Lisa finish their food. "Oh my God that chicken was delicious," Lisa said. "I know what you mean. I couldn't take another bite of that pizza." "Everything alright here," the waiter asked? "Yes thank you sir," Danny said. "Anytime sir."
"Ladies and gentlemen I have an announcement to make!!”Danny what are you doing," Lisa asked? "Lisa I've been meaning to ask you something." “What is it," she asked? Danny gets out of his seat and puts his knee on the floor and pulls out a tiny box out of his jacket. "Lisa will you marry me?" "Oh my God!! Yes I will marry you!!"
Lisa opens the box only to find a piece of paper instead of a ring. "What’s this?" "Read it." "Sike!" "Did you really think I would marry someone who's been cheating on me with three guys?" "But how did-" "Jesus! You can come out now." "Did you get it?" "Yep."
"You were recording this!!" Lisa yelled. "Yep and now were going to post it up on YouTube,” Jesus said. "Danny, I hate you so much right now." "Hey if you hadn't cheated on me none of this would've happened and by the way here's thirty bucks." "For what!!" she yelled. "For a taxi cause I'm not driving you home."
And so Danny and Jesus left the restaurant laughing together. "Ha-ha that was awesome!" Danny said. "Ha-ha I know. So what do you want to do now bro?" Jesus said. “Let’s go play Call of Duty back at my place." "Hell yeah, now you're talking bro." "Oh and by the way thanks for telling me what she was doing behind my back." “No problem dude.”
"Revenge sure is sweet." "You said it." "This goes to show you can't trust anybody anymore," Danny said. "Humph indeed," Jesus said. Yep now let’s go and play some Call of Duty!!!"

The author's comments:
This is about being careful who you trust

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on Sep. 2 2016 at 3:48 pm
Bella1398 BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
Wow this is really good! I liked the ending! :)