Dancing Alone | Teen Ink

Dancing Alone

March 22, 2013
By LuneXArrows BRONZE, Gibson City, Illinois
LuneXArrows BRONZE, Gibson City, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is nothing but the memories you make in it. So make those memories worth keeping."

Life can be compared to a variety of different things.
Life is like a bucket.
Life is like a bird.
Life is like a book.
But in some cases, life is like a dance.
Not just any ordinary dance, either. Life is an extravagant ballroom dance filled to the brim with beautiful men and women in elaborate gowns and tailored suits. Some of the gowns of the women sparkle in the chandelier light so brilliantly that it blinds and stuns others, while some are simple and much easier to appreciate. Some suits of the men are so complex and weaved with such intricate designs that it leaves us speechless, while others wear their hearts upon their sleeves for the world to see.
We begin dancing so young with very little upon our on clothing. Over the time, we discover silks and gemstones to sow within our garments. This is to show that we can be worth something to other dancers among the room. This is so others can see what you’re like.
Those in new love dance with passion. Those who grew love take the steps of a dance they’ve known for longer than our own lives. Mothers and fathers are dancing together, but some just give each other glances from across the floor as they waltz with their new significant other.

The ballroom labeled LIFE is purposeful. It is for us to find happiness. Some find happiness dancing by themselves. Others have a plethora of friends dancing about them. Some just have the true partner that knows their every step, as if they had practiced the dance their entire time upon the floor.
However, as I stand here gazing at my oldest companions dancing on the other side of the room, I realize that I am dancing alone. Yes I can see my mother and father swaying to and fro not far from me. Yes, I can see my sister crowded by her entourage of friends to the side of me. But I am just shifting awkwardly from left to right foot, making it seem like I want to dance like the rest.
I want to dance, but not alone. I am dancing alone. I know it shall not be like this forever, but it sure is lonesome while I am here on the floor of happiness.
But I will find my dancing partner someday.
I just hope they don’t take too long to cross the floor.

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