My Days of Worry | Teen Ink

My Days of Worry

October 6, 2008
By Anonymous

You and your boyfriend had plans but they got cancelled because he found out some bad news, and had to start packing for Iraq and he leave tomorrow. You are just standing there unpacking everything and saying you’re NOT going I am not letting you go for six months! I Can’t believe I won’t see you for six months! It’s going to be so hard not seeing you and she bursts and he comforted her he say it all right ill right. Then he kneels to the ground and says will you marry me? Let’s get engaged now so while I am gone you can start planning the wedding.

Everyday he fighting he’s fighting he think of her and how he can’t wait to see her and hoping everyday second that he doesn’t die.

Your boyfriend writes you a letter saying that he doesn’t think that he will be coming home for a couple months. He tells her he is so sorry and really wants to see her. She comes home and reads the letter and starts crying, falling ground thinking about the last dance, kiss, laugh and smiles they had together. She wants to remember the happy times and not feel so sad is away from her. Now she believes that he will never come home from Iraq. Thinking she’ll never see him again! She thinks about how she couldn’t go though life without him! All she wants is for him to come home so they can be together and have fun times again. She understands that he is doing a great deed for his country but she is feeling a bit selfish at the moment and wants him to come home to her.
1 hour later you here some one knocking on the door. You open very said and you see this familiar face and this guy in army clothes. You cant it believe its him she go a letter from you couple hour’s ago. She very happy that you are alive and she is never letting you

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