Midnight Freedom | Teen Ink

Midnight Freedom

October 9, 2008
By Anonymous

I waited anxiously for the clock to strike midnight. I was supposed to be sleeping, but every Friday night, I stayed awake to sneak outside. At around eleven, my parents would decide to head off to bed. I had to wait that extra hour until I could here my father's snoring.

I watched as the minute hand climbed around and finally hit the twelve. It was midnight, and I wasn't going to waste any time. I threw the blanket across the bed and shot to my feet. Just about every kid that was cool enough to know about it climbed out of their windows at midnight and met up at the skate park. It was the one hour that let us teenagers be ourselves.

I forced my window open and scanned the dark landscape. It was desolate enough to make me shiver. For some reason, the city streets gave me an unwelcoming vibe. I reached the highway at around 12:05. I noticed my best friends waiting at the corner. "Hey, guys," I said.

"Oh, hey. Have you seen Chelsea? She should've been here by now. I wonder if she bailed. I told you we shouldn't have told her about midnight," Tara exclaimed.

"Whoa. No need to get mad. I thought she could handle it. Sheesh. Well, let's get going. We don't want to be late. I hear that Jason is going to bring a stereo system and we're gonna party!" Tara, Meghan, and Lacey squealed joyfully.

We walked with a stunningly fast pace. It amazed me what a simple rumor of a party could do to some half-asleep girls. I spotted Jason across the street carrying a stereo system. There really was going to be a party! And I was invited!

The skate park was only a few minutes away from where we stood at 12:10. The amount of traffic started to climb, and more kids my age sauntered along the sidewalks. It was going to be one of the biggest midnight bashes ever thrown in the very short history of our midnight escape.

I couldn't help but wonder if Jason brought some good music. It didn't matter. He asked a few of his friends to tell people to bring CDs. I brought the newest album of my favorite band! Of course, it was everyone's favorite band so I would assume almost everyone brought the same CD.

I caught sight of the skate park. It was illuminated in neon pink and flashing orange lights! I knew Jason and his crew had some ties, but I didn't think they could pull a full-scale bash like this to life. I was transfixed by the flashing lights and the gleam from the glasses clutched by everyone near me.

We were all having the time of our lives when Jason yelled. "Cops!" Everyone dropped their cups and ran. The sirens were distant, but somehow Jason knew they were coming for them. He unhooked his stereo and unplugged the lights. With everyone in a panic, there was no way people were going to make it back home without suspicion.

I was lucky. I wasn't one of the five people who were caught running along the highway. From then on, the cops patroled the skate park. But the kids of the midnight escape weren't going to give up that easy. At school a wekk later, Jason made an announcement. "At our usual time on Friday nights, we're gonna party at the park. Don't be late." The parties were back and better than ever. Friday couldn't come soon enough.

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