Nancy the Dino | Teen Ink

Nancy the Dino

December 2, 2013
By Softball16 BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
Softball16 BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a time before humans roamed the earth, there were dinosaurs. Most paleontologists do not think to look at High Schools for dinosaurs but they are there from Monday to Friday wandering around. One dinosaur never seemed to be accepted into any of the groups at The Land Before Time High School.

I am Nancy and I am an awkward dinosaur. Looking around I could see my clan dress and acting like normal teenage dinosaurs. The popular group that has the to-cool-for-everybody-else-osaur is the exclusive group that only a select few can join. I can tell them apart by the male’s odor of that reeks of axe. This lingers as I walk by their group not wanting to break the news that it wants all of us female dinosaurs to retreat in fear, however; some females find it attractive they are known as the do-not-know-the-dress-code-irus. Roaring to attract a mate the words “swag” or “yolo” slip these scaly dinosaur’s mouths hoping to grab the others attention. Unfortunately for the rest of us we have to hear their annoying screeches, I am definitely going to need to ask Santa for some massive ear plugs. I did not think it would not help because their race is bigger and more irritating than all the rest. Male’s skin has the gruesome basketball shorts with the lanyard sticking out of one pocket and the famous socks with sandals. The female’s skin includes the disgusting short shorts and the white t-shirt with everything showing that usually hangs way above the belly button. These females and males usually waddle alone in their groups because in our entire school nobody is fond of them. Due to the fact that the to-cool-for-everybody-else-osaurs and the do-not-know-the-dress-code-irus believe they are at the highest part of the food chain when in truth they are the lowest. Darwin’s survival of the fittest will soon take affect and they will no longer roam the earth except maybe towards the their promise land of McDonalds and serve us dinosaurs. The mighty superior dinosaurs (otherwise known as the teachers) try to educate these creatures by teaching them how to hunt and provide for their future family inappropriately, these dinosaurs put their headphones in and ignore the advice. Most of my female classmates use their claws to text the opposite sex how lame these elderly dinosaurs are or take dino-sefies. This group takes pride teacher after teacher they try to break the line of stupidity. Hopefully a meteoroid comes and knocks out their race.

Another group I do not belong to is the You-wish-you-were-me-because-I-am-in-band-velociraptor. I do not play any kind of instrument unless you consider singing in the watering hole, which they do not, trust me I have tried to get into this cluster with my talent. These creatures tend to point their noses in the air and look down upon me and those who also do not posse the skill of playing an instrument. Many of the members carry water and look like they just woke up from a nap since they have only two minutes to get ready after their clan meeting. These dinosaurs wake at the crack of dawn to practice their hunting skills but instead of hunting for prey they hunt for the thrill of a trophy to display their greatness to The Land Before Time High School. If you are not a You-wish-you-were-me-because-I-am-in-band-velociraptor like me you get to hear the squawk of these dinosaurs as they shriek about how the baby You-wish-you-were-me-because-I-am-in-band-velociraptor was not in formation and was two steps behind
or about how the other types of You-wish-you-were-me-because-I-am-in-band-velociraptor do not play their instruments to the level of their group. To prove they are a part of their sacred circle they were their band shirts and carry their instruments with pride which I will never get to do. My annoying classmates are one of the smartest dinosaurs in the land they become disappointed and frustrated with an 89 in Advanced Placement Chemistry, while I am ecstatic with a 70. I feel the You-wish-you-were-me-because-I-am-in-band-velociraptor feel like they carry an albatross around their necks since they have to put up with people like me who do not fit in with their collection. These cold-blooded creatures hold their heads high and do not get stepped on by any other creatures. The dinosaurs’ outcomes look promising to their teachers who know they will succeed and go far in life. Fitting into their group is tougher than getting into Hard Rock Harvard University.

I-do-not-have-to-try-in-school-because-I-will-get-a-sports-scholarship-gigantoraptor is favorable to many creatures in the land except me. Bringing home the most food is their biggest goal. On the day of the hunt the dinosaurs get ready by bedazzling their skin with pink shimmering gems showing their manliness to all the females. The males that stay at the school look at these so called jocks and feel sorry having their skin dressed like a girl is embarrassing. The female of the groups follow the male around covering themselves with part of the male dinosaur’s skin to let other females know not to mess with her man. They are known as We-have-a-halftime-show-and-pom-poms-supersaurus. They tie their tails in gigantic bows and have the skin of blue and gold with spots of golden brown. These creatures claws are long and painted as if they truly believed the other dinosaurs cared about their appearance. The I-do-not-have-to-try-in-school-because-I-will-get-a-sports-scholarship-gigantoraptor and the We-have-a-halftime-
show-and-pom-poms-supersaurus carry their heads so high they touch the clouds. They walk with gusto and think that everybody loves them, when in truth when it is hunting day for all the other dinosaurs it is burden. The poor reptiles have to deal with the shrieking and the attitudes put on by the I-do-not-have-to-try-in-school-because-I-will-get-a-sports-scholarship-gigantoraptor and the We-have-a-halftime-show-and-pom-poms-supersaurus. The elders that train these hunter dinosaurs treat them as though they were gold. Even though they have not brought a big prey in over three years, just a couple of birds here and there nothing to feed the beasts that live on the land. Yet the clan still flocks to the feeding ground to watch their mighty hunters get demolished by other dinosaurs that swoop in and steal the food. These special dinosaurs die off slowly by injury from the fight or from the lack of ambition to finish the hunting season. Many of these creatures still carry the pride of being a part of the clan even those that fought for a year or two. These creatures take pride in their actions even when they do not bring home the big prey and they continue to go out and hunt even though they know there is no chance of victory. Now that takes real courage.

Many of the groups are very loyal to one another, once you entered the clan you could not jump to another clan; although, this helps clans come together easier because they all deal with the same issues and can help each other out since they have so many similarities. I am Nancy the awkward dinosaur, the dinosaur that does not belong to any of these clans that are apparent in my high school. I am my own group and that is fine by me.

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