This Is What It Sounds Like When Doves Cry | Teen Ink

This Is What It Sounds Like When Doves Cry

December 13, 2013
By DeathBat BRONZE, Walpole, Massachusetts
DeathBat BRONZE, Walpole, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"deep into that darkness peering long I stood there wondering fearing doubting"

There is hardly a sound, everything is still..calm. Footsteps echo in a empty stairwell. The echo creates a sweet symphony for the climb up. With every step memories rush in and out of their head consuming every thought. Memories of pure, unspoiled happiness dance around the mind trying to ease the pain. Now the journey up is halfway done and a fowl dust floats in, infecting these pure thoughts. All the pain and heartache come rushing through infecting the body. The scars riddling their body begin to burn as if the were still fresh. Memories of being abandoned and loneliness ice over the happy mind with a mournful glaze. All those years of trying to do everything right in order to avoid a beating, but yet each day the hits get harder and harder as the years pass by. With every hit a never ending shadow further consumes this heart. All the days of going to school and being attacked by snot-nosed rich kids sent this poor soul further into the darkness. A quiet sound breaks the steady echoing, as they near the top the humming begins to get louder. Finally, arriving at the top they pause, listening to the humming from behing this icy door. Slowly grasping the rusty brass knob they push the door open. The humming becomes a ceaseless scream that hits them hard, echoing in their ear. Stepping out the gravel shifts under their feet, the sun kisses their skin with gentle warming lips. The icy wind rushes in, dancing around them creating a icy blanket. While walking forwards a small note comes out from hiding, the wind tries to pry the note from the firm grasp however it fails. The note is set down while a family of rocks keeps away they curious wind. They breathe in and shut their eyes, and they stood their just listening to the world. With every kiss of the sun and dance of the wind everything just began to disappear. All that was left behind is an overwhelming calm and sense of blissful emptiness. However one fear lingered "im forgotten" but now even that fear faded away into the dancing wind, they turned their back to the world. With a breath they let go, the flew away with the birds under the calming sunset.

The author's comments:
few will realize the true ending to this story, even fewer will understand it.

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