Lost Heart | Teen Ink

Lost Heart

January 17, 2014
By Emily_M. SILVER, Spring Valley, California
Emily_M. SILVER, Spring Valley, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Following the trail in the mud left by some unnamed creature, Breanna sprinted away. Running was her only escape, her only time to feel happy. For ten years now she has lived in solitude, frequenting therapists and taking supposedly helpful drugs, yet never escaping the torment within her heart.

Today was the tenth anniversary of the death of everyone she loved. She was an only child and her parents enjoyed roadtrips together, and that was the first year she could bring John, her new fiancee with her. The trip began well, everyone piled tight into the motor home and off to Lake Tahoe. When the motor home began to smoke they pulled over and she went into the nearest gas station, and as she entered an explosion echoed through the desert of Nevada. She found that her families motor home burst into flames, and half an hour later she was on her way home in a police car, with no other survivors accompanying her.

Ever since this day Breanna has been isolated and refused to make more connections in fear of losing another loved one. She worked from home as a self employed writer, though only publishing three novelas. The rest of the time she writes for her towns newspaper, the Daily Zap, in Zap, North Dakota. She found this town to be inviting, with houses being fairly secluded and being a calm town with few citizens. Daily she took a jog by the creek running through her back yard.

Today however, she took a detour. She spotted a deer that charged into an open field. As she chased after it she came to the open field. Snow began to fall as she crossed to the center of the large expanse around, feeling the tall grass brush against the palm of her hand and picking a few winter flowers as she walked. At the center she created a pile of the flowers, continually thinking of her family, her love that had perished. As tears began to cloud up her vision, she fell the the ground and curled into a ball. Eventually the began to sleep.

"Excuse me ma'am, but you're going to get sick out here in winter."

Breanna sat staight up, her hairs standing stright up. Looking around, she didn't see anyone, but then she saw movement out the side of her eye. As she turned she bacame mesmerized. There stood a man near her age. He was tall and fairly muscular. She couldn't shake that feeling in her stomach that she hadn't felt for years. This feeling was unwanted, and yet she couldn't stand to look away. She didn't want the warmth spreading through her heart to stop. She finally felt love once more.

The author's comments:
This started as a creative writing essay in English and progressed to this. It isn't totally finished however, I didn't know where I wanted to take this story after what I have.

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