Edith Wharton | Teen Ink

Edith Wharton

January 17, 2014
By Oshea&#39a Quarles BRONZE, Spring Valley, California
Oshea&#39a Quarles BRONZE, Spring Valley, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Edith Wharton has a unique writing style. She incorporates emotions to capture the feelings of readers. Mattie is a happy, fluffy character who makes Ethan serendipitous, even though his life has been difficult. Wharton uses an extravagant amount of foil to contrast differences between Mattie and Ethan's life. Mattie is the valiant. in Ethan's life and his wife is the burden. Wharton tells a tantalizing series of unfortunate events with Ethan's life. Wharton illustrates that the grass isn't always greener on the side.

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