SwagMob26 | Teen Ink


March 9, 2014
By Abe Atari BRONZE, Fox Point, Wisconsin
Abe Atari BRONZE, Fox Point, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Yo, my name is Josh. I am the coolest. I run my school with my clique. My clique’s name is SwagMob26 and we are made up of all the cool kids. The people in my clique are named Tom, Richard, Juan, Noah, Abby, Brittany, Ashley, Anna, and Selena.
It was the first day of Senior year. Tom and I live right next to each other, so the night before school we went to each other’s houses to decide what we were wearing. I was going to wear khakis with a button down and so was Tom. SwagMob has this trend where on the first day of school we all dress really nice then go to Noah’s house after school. Noah has a huge mansion with a pool and a tennis court. I almost forgot to tell you we all are from Boca Raton, Florida. We’re rich kids.
It was time to go to school. It was Tom’s turn to drive today. He had a 2015 orange Camaro. He pulled up in my driveway, honked, and said we can't be late. I asked him why it even mattered. We had reserved parking in the school. He said that it mattered because we all need to walk in together with our friends from SwagMob.
Once we got to school, we all parked next to each other. We had the coolest cars on the lot. Richard had a Porsche 911 that he got this summer. Juan had a Tesla and Noah, by far, had the best... a Bugatti. All the girls came in a limo and planned to come with the guys to go to Noah’s after school.
When we walked in, everyone was looking at us weird because we were a little late. Then I looked at this one kid because he started laughing. I told him to shut up, but all my friends told me to calm down. I have some anger issues, so I always need someone around me to relax me. I am also the strongest in our clique. We all had only one class together and that was gym.
It was the basketball unit so we got to choose our teams. Richard was captain, and picked Tom, Juan, Noah, and me. Selena was captain for the girls and she picked Brittany, Ashley, Anna, and Abby. The gym teacher said it has to be five boys versus five girls. So we played against Selena’s team. Obviously, the boys won. The girls scored only once. It was 26 to 6.
After school, we all met up in the parking lot. Abby and Ashley were going to come with Tom and I. Anna was going to go with Juan. Selena was going to go with Richard. Brittany was going to go with Noah. We all then met at Noah’s. Noah said no one is home yet so we don’t have to be extra quiet. Once we got in and settled we immediately went outside to start the fire. The girls where just standing there on their phones taking selfies. Noah asked me and Juan to go find some twigs. Five minutes later we came back with the twigs and started the fire. We were all talking about our summers and how great they were. I told them I about my parents getting me a Mercedes Benz with black rims. All of their jaws dropped because they couldn't get black rims on their cars.
We eventually got bored of talking and went out to eat at this really good restaurant named Abe & Louie’s downtown. It was getting late so I said that we should hurry up and eat. I can’t be late home again or my parents will freak. Once we finished, we said bye and ran to the car. I told Tom that he needs to drive fast so I don’t get in trouble. I was one minute late and there my mom was standing at the door with a really red angry face. I told Tom that I am going to get it. He wished me luck and left.
“Where have you been!” my mother screamed. I told her that we were eating dinner and it took a little bit. She said this is the first and last time you will be late or you will never be able to hang out with your friends. I said ok and headed to bed.
It was Saturday so I got to sleep in. I planned to go to the beach with Tom and Noah. I was going to drive this time. It was the beach that everyone goes to,Clear Water. On our way there, I was telling them about my mom saying that if I am late I am not allowed to chill with them any more. They asked if she sounded serious I said ya and that she was pretty serious. They said I should be careful because SwagMob26 won’t be the same without me.
Once we got to the beach, we went straight to the jet ski area. I love jet skiing. We went on for like 2 hours and noticed it was like 6:30. It was like a 1 hour drive with good traffic. I needed to be home by 8 so I was a little nervous. Once we caught the highway I freaked because traffic was horrible. I knew I was going to get it this time from mom. It was 8:15 when we got home. I said goodbye to Tom and Noah. I told them to say goodbye to SwagMob for me.
I knew what was coming when I walked in. There my mom was right there and said “first of all where have you been and second your are never to be able to hang with your friends named Swagmob26”. I didn’t even try arguing I went straight to my room. I didn’t know what I was going to do without them.
The rest of the weekend I stayed at home depressed. Tom drove to my house on Monday and said come on. I told him I have to drive alone and won’t be able to see SwagMob26 anymore. He was mad. It was the worst day. I walked in alone and didn't talk to anyone. I thought my life was over having to go through the rest of that year alone. From the top dropped to the bottom.

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