Blossoms of My Heart | Teen Ink

Blossoms of My Heart

March 29, 2014
By Himeko BRONZE, Danbury, Connecticut
Himeko BRONZE, Danbury, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun shining through the clear window of my home creates a very refreshing feeling inside. It is so peaceful, hearing the birds sing their songs and feeling the cool breeze on my skin. Then there lingered a familiar scent I recognize. A thousand cherry blossom petals danced in the cool, soft breeze. It brought a nonchalant sensation to mind. It smelled so sweet like sugar. I smiled back at the cherry blossoms. Then as I arrived in the living room my granddaughter was wearing a kimono I recognized very quickly. Silk fabric which was the color of the night sky filled with fireworks, the night sky of a festival. I was about to tell her to take it off but when I saw her smiling I thought I didn’t want to ruin her fun so I let her be. I returned to my bedroom and when I walked in a katana was lying on the floor. The katana was not in it sheath. I then stepped on the blade without my knowledge of knowing it was there. Blood spread on the floor and I fell to the ground in deep pain.

My Mother yelled, “Let go of her! She has nothing to do with this! Stop! Don’t touch her! Don’t –”
“Shut up!” a man cut down my mother with his katana right in front of my eyes. Blood spread across our floor. It seemed like it wasn’t going to end. I screamed at the top of my lungs. The man’s grip loosened and I then ran up to her.
“Mother! Mother! Wake up!” I cried. “Don't die! Please, don’t leave me! I don’t want to be alone again!” I sobbed.
Mother’s hand reached out to me and touched my cheek. Her hand was as cold as ice. “Sakura… I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to protect you. I’m so sorry.” Mother said weakly. I shook my head. She continued, “Please leave this country and live a new life. Keep this ring with you and don’t let anyone have it. Promise me, you’ll protect it with your life.” She handed me a beautiful ring with a scarlet-colored jewel and I nodded crying. She then smiled and said,” I love you, Sakura.” Her hand then dropped onto the puddle of blood.
“MOTHER!!!” I shrieked.
It was 4:00 a.m. in New York City, NY. I was sweating all over my body. The lights suddenly turned on. “Sakura what’s wrong?” my friend Yui asked with a concerned look on her face. It was that dream again. Why does that memory still remain? It’s been 12 years since that accident happened. I’m already 17.
“I had that dream again. It’s nothing, Yui. Sorry for waking you up. Let’s go back to sleep.” I calmly said, trying to wipe the sweat off my forehead.
“As if! You’re sweating like crazy! How do you expect me to go back to sleep? I’m worried, you know.” Yui replied.
“Sorry, Yui. I’ll tell you later. It’s only 4 a.m., remember? I’ll tell you once the sun’s up. Kay’?” I suggested with a weak smile. She just nodded because it seemed like she was not in the mood to argue with me and then went back to sleep. I turned off the light and waited for the sun to rise. I couldn’t sleep. Yui’s my best friend and I know she cares about me but she needs to take care of her health. She came all the way from Japan to NY with me even though her condition could get worse. I need to be grateful to her. She’s done so much for me. I brought my hand into the air and stared at my fingers. There I held my hand into the moonlight and the jewel of my ring sparkled. I come from a normal family but my family was entrusted with a ring which everyone wants. I don’t know why everybody wants it or why my family had it but “Keep this ring with you and don’t let anyone have it. Protect it with your life.” Mother said. I have to keep my promise to her.

Morning came and I told Yui what happened in my dreams. I told her exactly what happened in the dream. The image of my mother lying on the floor, in her puddle of blood, stayed in my mind as if it was just recently. I was trembling like crazy. Her face fell and she looked like she was going to cry. I wiped her tears and told her it was not her fault or anything so she stopped crying. Tears are small raindrops which cause nothing. We both went downstairs and found Ren and Yamato eating breakfast. “Jeez, eating already without us.” I smiled. Yui waved.
“You two are slow. Get out of bed earlier.” Ren said with his mouth full. Yamato just nodded as an agreement. Yui and I were only 5 when we came to America. However once we settled down in NY, the man who killed my parents chased us in America. Ren and Yamato are the ones who save us from him. Ren and Yamato are two guys around my age and they’re best friends. Ren can be churlish but he is very sweet and caring. Yamato is shy and super nice to us. They said we can stay with them until we find a solution to this problem. However, it’s been 12 years since! We finished eating breakfast and went into Ren’s bedroom. We went to discuss what we’re going to do today. “Do we have any plans today? We are going to help Sakura and Yui but how long will that be?” Ren asked. We just shrugged since we have no clue what to do. “No plans, huh? Well, –”
“We can go to the festival today. It’s tonight! It’ll be superb fun!” Yui interrupted. The room went silent.
“Yui, we can’t. Well, you guys can’t. If that man finds you two then we don’t know what’ll happen. Do you understand?” Yamato replied. Yui looked sad after hearing that. I gave Yamato the “Good going, you made her sad” look.
I felt sorry for her so I suggested, “We can go in disguises. We can wear masks and stuff like that. It is a Japanese festival, after all.” Yui smiled again and I grinned back. Both Ren and Yamato sighed and said it was okay.
Night fell and it was time for the festival. Yui and I were wearing a kimono. Yui’s kimono was made with purple silk with elegant butterflies on it. Mine was made with black silk with fireworks on it. I love the night sky. When fireworks are in the night sky, it seems like there’s hope in the air. We both put our hair up and makeup on as well. We walked downstairs and saw Ren and Yamato waiting at the door. “Didn’t I tell you two to quit being slo—” His words faded as he turned around to see us.
“You two look great.” Yamato complimented.
“Thanks!” Yui replied. I turned to look at Ren but he was staring at the floor the entire time. When we were about to leave, Ren handed me a katana. It was in a blue sheath. I was about to take it out but then Ren told me to never take a blade out without a purpose of using it. He said it was for me to protect myself if he wasn’t with me at the time. I nodded and then we left.

The festival was in a shrine near Ren’s house. As we entered the shrine, it brought back many memories. It was so lively! There were so many people there. Most of them were couples. It felt kind of weird walking past the couples. Most of the ladies were wearing a yukata or a kimono. They looked beautiful. Also, it seems that Yui is enjoying herself a lot. Her kimono made her shine even brighter when she smiled. Yamato stayed close with Yui and Ren was with me. We all played so many games. It was superb fun like Yui said. I never thought I would be having a great time! I felt like all my worries have been washed away. The festival was my medicine. We probed the festival. After we played all the games Yui wanted to play and ate all the food we wanted to taste, we took a break and sat under a cherry blossom tree. Yui was singing a lovely song called Hoshi no Nagareru Yoru Ni. It was nice. A breeze came upon us. Cherry blossoms danced in the wind.
“Blossoms are scattered by the wind and the wind cares nothing, but the blossoms of the heart no wind can touch.” Ren calmly said, looking into the night sky.
“Huh” I said, looking puzzled.
“It’s an adage. It means no matter what obstacle you come to face, all you need to do is follow your heart and believe in yourself. The power of someone’s feelings in their heart can overcome anything. There are times where you are confused and feel like you will regret one thing but in your heart you know it something you have to do.” Ren responded.
“Wow… that’s deep.” I then stared at him, amazed at what he just said. He turned away and said shut up to me. He was blushing a lot though. All of us were enjoying the night together, the cherry blossoms petals dancing and the kimonos glowing in the night, bringing happiness. It was very peaceful. However, it did not last long.

A bow and arrow nearly hit my left shoulder. What just happened? I was very confused. Then I saw someone I never wanted to meet again. It was the man that was out to get me. “Sakura!” Yui and Yamato yelled out to me. “Are you okay?” I nodded, though in my mind I was freaking out. “Yamato, let’s take care of this.” Ren called. Yamato nodded. They ran to the man and tried to attack him but when they got close the man kicked both of them into a tree.
“Ren! Yamato!” I wanted to run up to them but they told me to stay where I was.
“Fools. I have no business with you two. I am only here to take this dear woman’s precious life. If you dare come near, you shall die tonight.” The man said coldly. I noticed he was staring at me for a moment but once he heard Yui stepping back, he started walking in her direction.
“Yui! You’re after me, right? Don’t go near her!” I shouted but as I thought he didn’t listen. I don’t know what to do. I have to protect her but I’m scared! Suddenly I remembered I had the katana Ren gave me right before we left. I wasn’t sure if I would use it. That would mean I have to kill someone. I then remembered what Ren said, “…all you need to do is follow your heart and believe in yourself… There are times where you are confused and feel like you will regret one thing but in your heart you know it something you have to do.” He was too close to Yui. I have no time to hesitate! I then took the katana out of the sheath. The blade was very sharp and when I touched the blade, I cut myself. I need to be careful not to hit Yui. I then ran towards him and cut the man down like he did with my mother. The man was in so much pain. “Do you now understand how my mother felt? Do you plan to kill everything precious to me? Your life will end now before you hurt anyone else important to me. Don’t worry; you’ll be meeting Satan very shortly in hell. I promise you that.” I coldly assured him. I stared at that man with ice cold eyes, piecing through his soul. That man was poison. Yui is my treasure that I need to protect. He fell to the ground without speaking a single word and never rose back up. Blood flows out of his body and creates a lake of blood, filled with sins. I grabbed Yui and brought her to the others. I then noticed what I’ve done. I killed someone. I killed him the same way he did with my mother. I fell to my knees and tears welled up in my eyes. “I’m sorry you had to see that. I am exactly like him. It was very unpleasant. I’m sorry.” I wept.
“Sakura, it’s okay. I know why you did that. You are nothing like him. You were trying to protect me while he wasn’t.” She replied. “Thank you, Sakura.” I hugged her so tight that night. The next day, we gave that man a proper funeral at the shrine. I never did learned why he wanted the ring or why the ring was important but I will still protect it and Yui. Though I don’t want to kill anymore, I will continue to follow my heart, wherever it may lead me.
“Grandma!” My granddaughter screamed. “Grandpa, grandpa! Help! Grandma… grandma’s bleeding so much!” As I was shuddering with pain and I turned over and revealed the katana
which put me through this pain. Himeko picked up the katana that was covered with my blood and suddenly threw it at the wall. She seemed like she was going to break down.
Then my husband, Ren ran to my room and saw lying on the floor, blood spreading so much more than before. “Himeko, go call 911. Tell this this is an emergency. Ren called. Himeko nodded and rushed to the phone and dialed it. A few minutes later, an ambulance rushed to the house. They carried me out of the house and was about to place me into the ambulance until I told them to wait.
“We need you to make this quick.” They said. I nodded in agreement.
“Himeko, come here.” I called and so she did. “Blossoms are scattered by the wind and the wind cares nothing, but the blossom of the heart no wind can touch.” She looks very confused. “Ren, please tell her what it means.” I smiled and he nodded. I then left for the hospital. Ren told me that she understood what I meant over the phone soon after. I am very relieved. We did the surgery in I survived. I returned home and spoke with Himeko. She seemed worried sick since I haven’t gone home in three weeks. I told her I am well and she seemed relieved to hear that. I then handed her a letter I wrote. I began with the line; I will continue to live my life where my heart guides me and wish my dear Himeko will be able to listen to her heart without any hesitations.

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