Trapped | Teen Ink


April 14, 2014
By Megan Baker BRONZE, Whitefish, Montana
Megan Baker BRONZE, Whitefish, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Character capsule
The young teen forced her eyes to open. Looking around she saw nothing but pure black. She forced her feet to take place underneath her. It didn’t take her long before she realized that her normal tennis shoes that she usually wore had been taken off. The floor felt cold and sticky as if a juicy liquid had been poured on it. Before she took her second step she lost her footing and feel into a wall. Unlike the floor the wall felt warm and smooth as if somebody had taken sand paper across is. The young girl once again forced herself onto her feet this time using the wall to support her. She stumbled her way alongside the wall until she felt a different texture of wall. Miranda than realized that this wooden texture she felt was a door. She moved her hand around the door until it hit the door handle. It felt cold kind of like the feeling of touching the white powdery snow for the first time.

She leaned on the wooden door and slid down sitting on the floor. She zoned out thinking about how the previo0us night she was sitting in her room with her friend laughing and listening to her favorite band Imagine Dragons, While she packed or her trip to Paris. She had wanted to go to Paris since she was a little kid and now she could never get to go. She remembered her parents wanted to spend so much time with her before she left that they sat down and watched the movie that they hated but knew that she loved, Farris Buellers day off. She sat there and couldn’t help but smile knowing she couldn’t have to ever finish reading Ferenheight 451.

Miranda quickly snapped back into reality and stood back up. She grabbed the doorknob once again. As she turned the door and pushed on it, the wooden door felt much heavier than it really should have been. The breeze of air that hit her and the excitement of knowing she found a way out reminded her of the breeze and excitement she felt when she ran track. The breeze pushed her long dark brown hair out of her face. The air smelled like the scent of waking up and taking the first breath of air after camping under the stars.

The bright light burned the young girl’s flossy brown eyes. She stepped outside feeling the warm pavement under her feet. Miranda glanced around her at her surroundings she spotted her beloved Audi parked on 50 feet away from the door. She began walking to her car she looked around and then it hit her. She wasn’t outside she was stuck in another room. She sat down next to her car and realized that this was on only the beginning.

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