Dragon Dreams | Teen Ink

Dragon Dreams

May 20, 2014
By Morgan Fair BRONZE, Crownsville, Maryland
Morgan Fair BRONZE, Crownsville, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dragon Dreams

I was so excited. It was show and tell day in our second grade classroom. My name is Tory. I brought two of my favorite dragons. I have a dragon collection. I have been collecting since I was little. I have dragon stuffed animals, statues, music boxes, and snow globes. I love dragons. I was a bit nervous because I have to show my dragon and talk in front of the whole class. Everyone will be looking at me. I was practicing all week. Well time to go to school.

After we settled in, we said the pledge of allegiance, and then the presentations begin. Robby went first, he talked about his bicycle. His show and tell was good. Jenny talked about her Barbie dolls. I was up next.

I stood in front of the class. I introduced myself and showed my two favorite dragons. One is a purple stuffed animal named Carly, and the other is a pink dragon statue named Cloe. The show and tell went fine. The children clapped and I was done. Now is time for recess. I tucked Carly and Cloe in my desk and went outside to play.

Finally the school bell rang and school was over. It was time to go home. I packed up my books and was ready to pack up Carly and Cloe to go home. Where is Cloe? I took everything out of my desk, but she was gone. Oh NO! What happened to Cloe? Mrs. Perkins said it was time to go and we walked outside.

When I got into my mom’s car, I started to cry. My mom kept asking me what was the matter. She thought maybe the presentation went poorly. I told her I lost Cloe. I told her I put Cloe into my desk, and when I went to pack her up to take her home, she was gone. It was a long night. I was not hungry and went to bed early. I had to find Cloe tomorrow.

I awoke in the middle of the night to a noise in my bedroom. When I sat up I could not believe it, I saw dragons walking and talking. It was my dragons walking and talking. It was Carly; she said Cloe was in danger. I kept rubbing my eyes, because I thought I was dreaming. Dragons cannot talk, but they were talking to me. Carly had a plan to rescue Cloe. She said she saw Joey Ziegler take Cloe out of my desk. When Mrs. Perkins came back into the class, Joey got scared and put Cloe in the trashcan. We had to get Cloe before she ended up in the dumpster.

I snuck out my house window. Carly and two other dragons flew out the window with me. I rode with Carly to the school. Dino who was a very little dragon was able to get into the school though the cafeteria vent. He unlocked the door and left us in. I ran to the classroom. I searched through the trashcan, and there was Cloe. When I took her out of the trashcan, her eyes opened and she hugged me.

We locked the door behind us and went back to my house. We all jumped into bed and went back to sleep. A few hours later my alarm clock went off. It was time for school. Wow, I had a crazy dream last night. I dreamed I flew with dragons. My dragons were real. Now I had to focus. I had to find Cloe today. When I got out of bed, there was Cloe. She was sitting at the end of my bed. How did she get there? I asked my mom, who said she did not know. She said maybe you put Cloe in your bag and forgot. I would never forget Cloe. She was gone, she was lost. And now she was here. Was it a dream or was it real? I had an adventure with my dragons. When I went to school, I said thank you to Joey. He looked at me weird. He did not know my adventure was all because of him.

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