Princess | Teen Ink


October 10, 2014
By Alyssa Mobbs BRONZE, Petal, Mississippi
Alyssa Mobbs BRONZE, Petal, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 She rumaged through her middle-aged mom's mediocre closet finding nothing but oversized faded jeans that looked as if the washing machine won one too many battles over the years and dirt stained Rolling Stones t-shirts. The messy clothes resembled a life of unhappines and screamed for a desperate makeover. Every now and then though, Alexandria would find a nice blouse covered with dancing flowers and sleek black trousers that looked as if they may have complemented her mom's once size two figure. When Alexandria stumbled across these "fancy" clothes, she had no choice but to hold each item against her body; the fine silk sifting through her tiny fingers. Her face painted a michiveous smile as she discovered a new idea.
    Alexandria peeked her head out of the wooden door; her mousy brown hair falling in front of her plump, round face as her eyes caught sight of her mother reading yet another novel about love and romance as if the thought of the character's love life would satisfy her own somehow. Alexandria pulled her head back into the bedroom and slowly shut the door until the deafening "click" sounded. She exhaled and directed herself back to her mother's closet where she recognized the same worn out jeans and crummy shirts accompanied by the few nice articles of clothing. She slowly slid the blouse that resembled a flower garden off of its hanger. Satisfied with her choice, she placed the blouse on the bed and went to discover more pieces of clothing to accompany the decorated blouse.
    Alexandria found herself in her mother's drawers now; her hands fumbled through old socks and undergarments. She peeled off her own clothes and tossed them to the foot of her mother's bed. She slipped on her mom's padded push up and let it settle on her underdeveloped eight year old body; pantyhose folded around her knobby knees. Alexandria tiptoed to the wall mirror to examine her progress. She ran her hands over the lingerie and baggy pantyhose and quickly made her way back to the bed to slip on the blouse that she adored and admired so much. The extra large blouse fell to her ankles as a smile spread across her face.
    Alexandria rushed to the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom and allowed herself to indulge in the makeshift makeup. She lined her lips with bright red lipstick and painted her eyelids with peacock blue eyeshadow; two colors that offset the orange tulips that danced on her mother's shirt. Feeling beautiful and at least ten years older, Alexandria sprinted back to the closet to find the best shoes to accompany her new outfit. Her hazel eyes landed on a pair of pink high heels that reeked of her mom's party days. The size tens fit loosely on her own two feet but she knew in that moment that she was ready-- her grand idea was finally ready to become public news.
    She spotted her mom slumped over the counter; her eyes swollen with tears as she looked at the current month's light bill. This sad sight took Alexandria by surprise because she never witnessed her mother crying before. Alexandria stopped dead in her tracks. All the power behind her sassy strut began to fade away as her own eyes began to fill with the hot moisture. Alexandria blinked to release the water from her eyes only to find her mother kneeled down in front of her. Alexandria fell into her mother's warm embrace now embarassed of her plan to surprise her mother with her new, fabulous wardrobe change. Her mother pulled her close to comfort her and to pat her head for reassurance that every thing was fine. When Alexandria pulled back she asked, "How come you are crying, mommy?" Her mother replied, "Alexandria, honey, there are so many things in this big ole world that eight year old princesses do not need to know about. Princesses are supposed to be happy because when princesses are happy, other people are happy too." Alexandria analyzed her mother's words as her face released the same expression her father used to make when he was confused also. Alexandria's mom began to laugh under breath as she watched Alexandria's eyebrows meet her eyes and her lips turn downwards--her thinking face. Gosh, she missed Tim and his same expressions..
    Once the thinking process was done and over with, Alexandria responded with, "I guess I'm not a very good princess, mommy." "Why do you believe that, Alexandria? You know you are Mommy's best and most favorite princess of all time", her mother responded. Alexandria snapped back with thick tears in her eyes and a high pitched wail, "Because Mommy, princesses are supposed to make other people happy but you're not happy because you're crying...and...and daddy wasn't happy either because he left us too Mommy! He left us here all by ouselves!" By this time, both Alexandria and her mother were crying; thick crocodile tears spewed from their eyes.
    Alexandria's mother stood and slowly stepped away. She looked at her daughter as she realized that she couldn't hide the truth anymore. She couldn't let her daughter believe that her devoted father just voluntarily left because he didn't want to be with them anymore. Her mother spoke up, "Alexandria, Daddy is in a better place because God took him to a better place. God wanted a new friend and he chose your Daddy to be his new sidekick forever." Alexandria interrupted, "So, Daddy left us to be with God?" "Yes, honey. Daddy loves you so very much but God called him so he had no other choice but to leave. You will see your father very soon and he will be so happy. You're still an amazing princess, sweetheart. You're even dressed up like one today!" her mother replied.
    Alexandria looked down at her own body and ran her hands over the fine, silky fabric. She understood now and she knew better than to question God. Daddy was in a better place with his good friend, God, and he was happy and although mommy was sad sometimes, she was still happy to be with Alexandria. Alexandria's mother bent down to plant a kiss on Alexandria's cheek whe she said, "So honey, be the best princess ever so other people may be happy as well. Be your most favorite princess for the world."
    Alexandria replied, "But mommy, you're my favorite princess!"

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