Average Jacob | Teen Ink

Average Jacob

November 17, 2014
By Anonymous

So there was jacob. He sat on his lawn observing all who passed through. Everyone was the same, they all cared about the same thing. He made a friend here and there, but really he did not care for them. All of the families around the neighborhood were the same. The son who was their parents pride and joy, playing a several sports while showcasing all the trophies he possesses. Then theres the daughter, she either falls into the fabulous one of a kind, everyone wants to be social status. Or the nobody who sits around reading books of all sorts and while succeeding in life, they never felt good enough.
Jacob was not athletic. He was quiet and humble. He was easy to get along with, though he preferred to be the watcher. He passed the halls watching the gossip pass through the walls. As if these walls had ears. He hated sports, instruments and singing. Where did he belong. Jacob was empty. But he was satisfied. He could not say anything brought him much happiness. Since being a child, his smile had not reached both cheeks. He did not blush at the obvious crush the girl next to him had. Nothing seemed to give him purpose. He was just there.
A normal day for Jacob consists of mother constantly trying to stop him rushing out the door without eating breakfast. Following the sudden urge to beat the traffic in his beat up 1959 red cadillac. Finding a parking spot not to far. Everyone gathers around to see the inside of his beat up car. Many asks to see inside it and ask him all these questions, when really all he ever knows about cars is the mileage. He could really care less. All he really have to say is that his grandfather gave it to him for his 18th birthday.Then after getting squeezing through the hallways due to the amount of people crowding it, he entered first period. Each and every day there was that one clingy girl who would just talk about her obsession with teen fantasy television shows. Jacob’s most honest opinion of her is defined by her screeching voice. The way her voice rises and suddenly drops as if an emotional rollercoaster is ready to set off. Her annoying voice makes first period seem like a century. Between her echoing screech and Timmy’s pencil tapping, it would have been a decent first period.
Second period serves as a saving grace, neither that annoying girl nor Timmy were in that class. Jacob sits across the most popular girl in school and smiles to see almost every guy concerned with what she is wearing. Even Jacob’s closest friends seem to be obsessed with her. As if she had anything going for her.
Jacob looks out the mirror and sees the build up clouds. So dark and grey covering the sky. No sign of sun shine just a strong wind to accompany the darkness. The bell decides to ring and disrupt everyone’s attempt to talk to the popular chick in class. Well there Jacob was ready to learn nothing.
“Good morning ladies and gentleman! Is everyone ready to begin today,” said Mr. Frankenstein said.
“Excuse me sir?” A sudden voice came from the doorway.
“Hello there, what do you need?”
“I am new to this school and it seems that I belong in your class.”
“ You belong in my class?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You belong in English Honors with Mr. Frankenstein?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Very well. Come here.” She walks swiftly towards Mr. Frankenstein. Unfortunately for her every chair in this classroom was taken. Jacob thought to have taken the popular girl and throw her outside where she belongs and letting the poor girl sit in her place.
“Well we have a full class. But we will be sure to make do with what we have.” Mr. Frankenstein said.
“Each of you gentleman should be lining up to let a lady take your seat. Where are your manners.” Everyone turns to look at one another. Who would let this girl take their seat? no one knows her. Jacob for a split second thought to let her have her seat but he be crazy to be the only man standing.
“She can have my seat Mr.” Said Danny.
“Very well. Thank you for your offer sir. Ma’am you can take your seat now. Everyone this is Emma, please do everything to make her comfortable on her first day.” Said Mr. Frankenstein. As if Jacob didn't know what Danny was doing. The way that smile bounced from her to Danny was noticeable. She took her seat next to Steve and Andrew. The two troublemakers in class. “Oh the joy,” thought Jacob.
Mr. frankenstein began to talk about Pride and Prejudice. “ Now let’s begin to talk about this amazing book. Raise your hand, and I want sincere answers, if you have honestly read this story from cover to cover?” Everyone looked around at each other and of course Mark raises his hand. That kid lives in the library. Jacob enjoyed reading the book, although he may not have ready it cover to cover as Mr. what’s his face exaggerated. Jacob was setting himself to be laughed at had he raised his hand. Instead he smirked.
Jacob wandered off in his mind about what he is going to do after school. It’s a friday night and that one popular girl is having yet another party. Woohoo, as if anyone really cared. Except everyone did, and well he was forced to go as well. Danny made his way to Jacob.
“Hey man so what up tonite? You in?” Said Danny.
“I dont know man. I mean is there anything worth wasting my time over there?” Said Jacob
“Bruh dont even worry about it. Just relax. If someones offers you drugs you say yes. IF anyone offers you booze you call me over and you say yes. It will all work out i promise.” Jacob wasn't very convinced by Danny’s philosophy of friday night parties. After a boring english class the bell rings. Jacob waits in his seat while everyone fights one another to get out of the class. Emma caught Jacob’s attention.
“Hi my name is--
“Jacob. Yeah I know.”
“You know?”
“Yeah you're that kid who just sits on your front lawn watching everyone while pretending to be practicing your soccer moves. “
“Yeah i guess that’s true.”
“Ya don't need to be such a creep. Going up to people and saying hi would make you friends you know.”
“Well then. I am glad to have made your acquaintance but I must leave.” Jacob left to his next period and Emma went her separate way.
That evening, Jacob had nothing much to do so he wanted to make a friend. He combed his hair and brushed his teeth. Off he went to make a friend. K
Knock, Knock
“Hello sir, my name is Jacob and I wanted to welcome you to the new neighborhood.” smirked Jacob.
“Well son thank you for that. I’ll have you meet the family. Come on in.” says Mr. Nickels. “ My name is John, but you can call me Mr. Nickels. This is my wife Janice and my son Ruben. Finally my daughter Emma.” There was a silence in the room. Emma glared at Jacob and Jacob smirked back.
“I did not mean to intrude all i wanted was to welcome you to the neighborhood.” said Jacob. Small talk began to fill the air and after a while Jacob excused himself. Emma walked him out. “What do you think you're doing?” Said Emma.
“Well making a friend of course.” Said Jacob
“How about you go make friends somewhere else?”
“How about you make me?” the both of them were silent. Emma had a serious face and Jacob was rather flattered that he annoyed her. “How about I take you out for the night? Let me show you I am not the loser I am perceived to be.”
“How about I drive, so if you get wierd I can ditch you.” said Emma.
Emma and Jacob had the time of their lives in the city. Jacob saw a smile from Emma he has never seen on anyone else. That is what he will always remember. She will always be remembered. There are not enough words to describe that night. What he felt. Only he could value the true beauty that Emma was.
“And hear with you, I lay my sorrow. You will always be in my heart. I’ve known you little but youre person has changed me and shown me to live life and take charge. Because of you I will start to live.” Jacob laid a white rose on Emma’s coffin.

The author's comments:

I don't even know.

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