The Farm | Teen Ink

The Farm

November 7, 2014
By Jesselujan01 BRONZE, Mountain View, California
Jesselujan01 BRONZE, Mountain View, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Judy was cold and tired and knew she couldn't go back to sleep since she had to get up at 5:10 AM and it was 5:00. She got up and got to work on the farm early.
          She  goes out of the house and into the barn. She feeds all the animals and starts milking her cow. She finishes milking her cow about 10 minutes later, she says bye to all her animals and as she opens the barn doors to leave and there is a man standing right outside! She lets out a spine tingling shriek. He grabs her and she struggles trying to escape. he whispers in her ear, "Your family is being watched." He runs away vanishing into their cornfield.
          She bolts into her house and wakes up her family. They look at her in confusion and then her brother says, "Judy you know we live in the middle of nowhere, nobody knows about our farm. She keeps trying to convince them but they don't listen so she eventually gives up.
          She goes along with her day trying to forget about it but she can't. She becomes curious and she goes into the cornfield. She wanders so far in that she cannot even see her farm anymore. Worried, she walks in circles trying to figure out what direction she came from. She here's a whisper and she says, "Who are you? Where are you? Show yourself." She keeps yelling but the person never comes out. She sits down and yells for her family.
          What feels like 3 hours later her parents finally come to her rescue. They look at her with a disappointed look and they walk home. The next morning she gets up to do her errands. She
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looks out the window, opens the door a crack to look out side, and she gets her dads .44 caliber pistol and walks into the barn. She finishes her errands and walks back into her house and puts away her dads gun. She wakes up her parents and asks them to have a family breakfast. Her dad says, "Your unusually happy for the way you've been acting the past few days." She says, " I just want to start over." She walks down the hallway and goes to wake up her brother.
           She walks into his room and he is not there. She goes over to the window and there he is hanging from the branch of there oak tree. She screams and runs outside, her parents run after her. The parents see the son and they fall to the ground and sob. She yells at them, "Believe me now!" And she goes to examine the tree and engraved in the tree is I'm watching you all you tell anyone about this message and you parents are next.
          She can't keep it in and she tells them. They go and look at the tree themselves and they see the message and they call 911. They go inside and Judy stays outside for a second and across the farm standing in front of the cornfield is him he's holding a machete and he's shaking his head. He doesn't move and she backs up slowly into her house. She tell her parents and they say, "We have to defend ourselves the cops say it's about a 4 hour drive from there station."
          The dad gives Judy and her mom each a .44 caliber pistol leaving himself with a steel baseball bat. Judy shows them where he saw him and he is gone the dad says, "We have to get him." He was mid sentence before the tip of his machete comes through her fathers stomach. Judy and her mom shoot there pistols until there pistols are out of ammo.

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          There he lies on the ground motionless. They both hug and cry and are glad that this is finally over. They go inside and start . Judy starts in her room and her mom starts in the family room.
          She hears her mom scream and she run out to see what's going on. Her moms throat is slit and she is lying lifeless on the ground. Judy says, "This is impossible we killed you! Why are you doing this to my family? He says, "I'm a sick person and I needed some victims." She cries and collapses on the ground waiting for her death but nothing happens she looks up and her front door is wide open and the man is gone.
          A cop arrives an hour or so later Judy runs outside and into one of the police officer's arms and he's says. "Everything's going to be alright. I'm watching you." She looks up and feels a sharp pain go through her stomach she sees the police officer is the man and her last word was, "Why?"

The author's comments:

My Teacher Mr. Devenport

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