Human Gateway | Teen Ink

Human Gateway

December 18, 2014
By Edelweiss56 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Edelweiss56 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live, Laugh, Love

Cold angry eyes stare at me across the dinner table adding a chill to the air. Sleet grey, stormy blue, seasick green. Dull dark colors, sinfully sullen. I glance in the mirror to find something different, my eyes like a kaleidoscope, changing colors and moods. Green and brown and deep like the forest. Wise, determined, with knowledge unending. Deep earthy brown. Warm like hot chocolate, comforting like a teddy bear, caring like a mother’s arms. Dark stormy grey. Resenting in rage, biting with bitterness, flying with fury. Like a storm, it flies through and destroys what is in the way. A sad blue-green sea overflowing its gates. Despairing, cheerless, and  wet. A sunny blue sky, speckled with the clouds that hold me captive. My mind flies like an eagle determined never to come down. I promise never to reach this cold dullness like death,  never to shut down the streaming flow of thoughts. Only to dream the dreary droids away. Dream the dreary droids away.


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