Birds | Teen Ink


March 17, 2015
By SaraJoSauter BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
SaraJoSauter BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Theres a girl who befriended the birds by feeding them in the morning and feeding them at night. A girl with choppy brown hair and small eyes, who wears the same dresses every week. This girl comes from the less flush, for her there has been no easy road.  At these times she sits on the rusty splintered bench near the walking path and feeds the birds. Mostly pigeons show up for the charitable feast but scattered here and there are crows and doves alike. The birds all know who she is, they know her name and what time she comes, they understand their relationship with her.
She feeds them and in exchange the birds collect sparse little objects from around the city and place them near her clothed feet. These objects have become her treasure, she’s gotten buttons and beads of all colors and shapes, little withered broken bones, bits of thin wire and old jewelry.
Though as kind as she is, her family is more vile; keeping to themselves and giving nothing away. Her family doesn’t understand why she gives away he meager rations to filthy rats. The girl sees past their ugliness and loves them just the same. 
   Each day shes asked by her family “Why do you sit in the park everyday and feed those filthy birds bread when you don't have enough bread to feed yourself?"
And each day she smiles and says “The birds are my family like you, and I can afford more bread than them.” 
Her parents were right though, she soon found herself with empty pockets and no bread for the birds. With empty hands she approached the bench and wait  to disappoint the birds with the truth. One by one the birds showed up and and when they saw her sad eyes they hopped towards her. Confusion washed over them when the expected bread wasn’t throw , they all knocked their heads to the side to stare at her.
“I’m sorry but I have no bread for you today, I-I can’t afford to buy you bread any longer.” The birds in understanding flew off and the girl silently wept in her empty hands. When her sobbs subsided she heard the flutter of wings and looked up, the birds were back and even though she didn't feed them they still brought her the gifts. Each bird dropped coin after coin into her tear soaked palm:, pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.
She looked at the money in confusion and stared at them the same, were they were giving her the money to buy the bread? A silent agreement went between them, she stood up and scurried down the path, throwing a “One minute!” over her shoulder. When she returned she sat down on her bench and revealed four large warm rolls; with excited movements she began tearing them apart to feed the birds. The girl smiled more that day then she had ever smelled before and the birds took comfort from her joy.
Now each day along with the normal treasures the birds began to bring her coins to buy the bread. Everyday the girl would arrive collect the money and flee to buy the bread. A new relationship grew between her and the birds then, instead of the birds depending solely on the girl they depended on each other and their relationship flourished. The girl now had enough bread and money for herself and the birds, and neither would ever go hungry again. 

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