Champ | Teen Ink


May 19, 2015
By Matthew Scully BRONZE, Roswell, Georgia
Matthew Scully BRONZE, Roswell, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Look, I didn’t want to be a multi millionaire.

If you’re reading this and disagree with me, then let me tell you some sour news, pal. Believe whatever people tell you about living a simple life and how that it is better than having the world wrapped around your fingers. Being rich isn’t exactly as glamorous as the media makes it out to be and I envy those who can live a simple and peaceful life.  

My Name is Francis.

I’m seventeen years old and I attended Roswell High School in Georgia. Things started to dramatically change for me after my camping trip up to West Point with my twin brother, Patrick, my Dad, and the family dog, Champ.

            My twin brother, Patrick, was the complete opposite of me in every fashion. I’m small and slender while he is tall and mighty. He’s a fast learner while you could time me with a calendar. My only dominant trait was my endurance. Whenever a dog needed to be played with, I was your man for the job. I could run all the dogs into the ground except for Champ because he is special. Champ is a recue dog that my Mom found while working at an animal shelter. Champ is a border collie but is a bit smaller than average or to my dad the right size.  Champ never ran out of energy. Champ made a point of that while we were up at West Point.

The trip to West point is just to familiarize Patrick with his future school after graduating from high school and for a summer lacrosse program. Patrick plays goalie and is one of the best in the state of Georgia. The lacrosse players there for the summer program slept in the old barracks while my Dad, Champ, and I slept in a two bedroom cabin over looking West Point and the Hudson River.  The weather turned on us but thankfully we finished unpacking and were able to put our feet up for the day. 

While I was in my room flipping through channels trying to find something to watch, Champ entered the room and came up on to my lap. The storm outside kept on brewing and growing. As the violence of the storm kept progressing I decided it was time to take a shower and head off to bed. While I was in the shower I heard a loud BOOM of lighting striking a tree near by the cabin. I finished up quickly because I knew Champ was looking for me so he would feel safe.  Champ dashed into my presence in a total state of panic and as I reached out to my best friend, a bolt from Zeus hit him.   

I ran to my dad to tell him about what had happen and when we both entered my bed room where I had left Champ we were both shocked.   There in the middle of my room sat Champ with a big smile on his face, than out of the joy that struck my dad and me a voice said “Can we not do that again? Can we go play?”  In my head I thought “I must be sleeping, this can’t be real. Dogs don’t talk.” My dad asked Champ, who was still smiling, how he was able to talk.

Champ replied “the lightning strike triggered my ability to use more of my brain than that of a normal dog”. “Cool!!!!” was my only response. My dad decided to go to bed because he had a long day. I decided to do the same and Champ agreed.  The next day during breakfast, Champ asked me” Why do humans use cars?” I told him that we use cars to get from one place to another in a desired time period. Champ than said “I don’t like cars because they can hit and hurt animals”. Champ then proposed that humans make flying cars so cars won’t hit animals anymore.  I didn’t have the heart to tell him that humans have been working on that for years and that there was little success. I asked him “what is your idea for a flying car if you could make one?” Champ than smiled a great big smile and said “Make the cars lighter in weight and smaller in size”.  My dad heard Champ’s idea and said he could make the blue prints for it and that Patrick, me, and he could built one no problem.

After a month and a half of working on the flying car we finally finished. Champ suggested that we sell the idea to General Motors but told us that we don’t tell them that our talking dog came up with the idea.  We flew our car over to General Motors HQ and presented them with our creation. The President and C.E.O. loved the flying car and bought the idea for 50 million dollars.  My family celebrated when we got home and had a small party.  Champ told us later that night that he had another idea. Champ came up with this idea called Smell-O- Vision. What it does is if you’re watching any show on the cooking channel then your TV would release whatever smell was coming from the food on the screen. 

We took that idea and presented it to The Food Network Channel and they bought Smell-O-Vision for 20 million dollars. My family decided to donate the 20 million to various charities.  After selling the flying car and Smell-O-Vision, my family practically became celebrities. We were invited on to talk shows and did many interviews. We were always asked “How’d you come up with the idea of innovated flying car and Smell-O-Vision?”  We never dared to say our dog, Champ, came up with the ideas, so we would just say” Oh, we were just sitting at home and it just hit us.”

            Several years later after flying cars and Smell-O-Vision take off and become highly popular, my family moved up to the mountains to get away from it all. We were tired of the media bugging us constantly and never letting us have privacy. Also, we knew we did our part for the world by helping animals from getting hit by cars and allowing the blind people the capability of smelling the food on their TV.  One stormy night, while I was reading a book and sitting on my bed, I heard a loud BOOM far out in the distance. Champ than ran into my room and onto my bed, then crawled under the covers.  Champ looked at me with a smile and said” let’s not go through that again”

                                                            The End.

The author's comments:

I wrote this about my wonderful dog Champ. I wrote this piece becasue it is happy and hopefully brings joy to people like Champ does for me.

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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 21 2015 at 7:27 pm
Matthew Scully BRONZE, Roswell, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Hahaha thanks

on May. 21 2015 at 2:10 pm
Athena19 SILVER, Central Point, Oregon
5 articles 1 photo 103 comments

Favorite Quote:
'Love people. Cook them tasty food.' -Penzey's Spices

I loved the line, "You could time me with a calendar"! The imagery of that is really vivid, and funny