The Three Little Birds | Teen Ink

The Three Little Birds

June 10, 2015
By McHanna BRONZE, Tirana, Other
McHanna BRONZE, Tirana, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You won't have things handed to you by being lazy and lying around while doing nothing, if you want something, you have to earn it."

Once upon a time there was a nest, not just any nest to be precise, it was a nest with three very different birds who will come to an important realisation. These three birds, though they were different, were siblings. There was the c***y, violent and prideful older bird; the kind, intelligent and mature middle bird; and then was the naive little brother who has still yet to learn to fly. These three birds lived a life of luxury until one certain day came where their parents left and had yet to come back.
The little brother was caught up in the middle of a certain feud of his brothers. This seemed to be the most destructive yet. The two were really going at it, the older brother put all his strength into his punches and, yet, he was unable to actually hit his opponent who simply brushed off his punches when they arrived and tackled him.
The older brother loved to fight. He always got into dangerous fights while living his delinquent life. He had few friends and even fewer (if any at all) to call true friends. Yet no organism nor any object was able to stand in his way ever before. His one answer to everything is very simple: violence!
The middle brother, however, was far more intelligent than anyone else in the community. When he was younger, all the other mothers in the tree-hood came to his mother to compliment her on his intelligence. He hated violence and naturally disagreed with the older brother a lot because of this.
Anyway, back to the main story.
The two brothers kept going at it; one punching with all his might and the other dodging and tackling without breaking a sweat. The victor of this duel was pretty obvious after all, no one has never-ending stamina. The older brother, like always, broke down and was unable to move. The middle brother simply kept his poker face on and walked away trying to look cool. The little brother clapped like always and proceeded to help the older brother recover.
However, when they woke up the next day, the elder brothers realized that their parents have yet to come back. The middle brother speculated that it was a surprise business trip or something had happened on the way and they were stuck somewhere. They were unsure but decided to keep it hidden from their little brother as they didn’t want him to worry.
The next few days passed and their parents still weren’t here. The two brothers became restless and got into some arguments but decided that it was for the best to not stir up any trouble. They began going around the area to get information on their parents in turns so that there is one of them to hold down the fort. However, the little brother was catching onto what was happening and was growing restless himself but he decided to carry on as he was before.
After few days had passed and the food situation became dire. What stored food they had was running short and the two elder brothers were not as skillful at catching prey. They began to become very hungry. The elder brothers began fighting more than usual with the middle one arguing that they should ask for help and the older one arguing that his pride will never accept such a thing. The little brother had to clean up the mess by cutting in-between them and suggesting that they work together to bring in food. Everyone came to an agreement.
Even though they came to an agreement, nothing… really changed. The two brothers kept on fighting all day long on how to bring in more food. Their arguments became battles of insults and who can stand more taunts before completely flipping out. The little brother began feeling worried and thought about going out to help his brothers in getting food but he knew they won’t let him.
The status quo proceeded as it is right now. Occasionally the two would succumb to hunger and actually do something but it rarely happened. This is when the younger brother decided to try and get food on his own. He knew his brothers would be against it which is why he snuck out in the middle of the night when they were asleep. He trained to fly but, much to his dismay, all of his trials were failures. Eventually, however, he was able to fly.
Over the course of the next few days he was able to learn to fly adeptly and began foraging food at night when his brothers wouldn’t catch him. The two of them would wake up wondering where the extra food came from. At one point, the little brother thought he could go out and look for his parents.
It all went fine for a while until he tried to do a stunt like his father had done before. He did a triple loop around a tree branch and went for a fast dive through a hole in a bush. But, then again, nothing ever goes to plan right? He was unable to control his speed because he can’t slow down quickly enough and hit a bunch of bush branches that were hidden behind the hole.
His brothers panicked when they discovered that he was gone. They flew around the place like monkeys, searching every inch of the area. They never rested once and, for the first time in what seemed to be a century, began to work together. Eventually they found the little brother, took him back home and took care of him until he woke up again.
They were very angry with him and scolded him for a while until they all came into a loving embrace. They agreed to work together from now on to support each other as the results were fantastic and very “efficient” in the eyes of the middle brother. This was the lesson they had learnt: to put aside their differences and support each other until the very end.

The author's comments:

What inspired this piece was a particular event in my life where people who were very close to me had to come and save me when my parents weren't around. It just popped back up in my head and I got inspired to write something like this.

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