Haters Will Hate Fakers Will Fake | Teen Ink

Haters Will Hate Fakers Will Fake

August 12, 2015
By hidydhiya SILVER, Kuala Rompin, Pahang, Other
hidydhiya SILVER, Kuala Rompin, Pahang, Other
5 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Haters Will Hate, Fakers Will Fake

Life is full of funny, quirky people. Sometimes they get to us and sometimes they don't. People sometimes bite our style, our verbiage, our material and our ideas. They say copying is the highest form of flattery.

The reason why I'm bringing this up is for personal reasons but also in business too. It takes hours until weeks to prepare material for a class and takes only seconds for someone else to steal it and make it their own. I get frustrated and disappointed at times but I am a huge believer in karma and what comes around, goes around!

I had many teachers, classes and workshops that I have participated in and still do but I do truly honour their work and material. I may borrow a line or two but I do give credit to the teachers I had learned this from. I do my best as this is really important to me. I am a human and not perfect and there may have been a time I may have forgot or slipped my mind, but it has never been intentional or deceitful. But, I definitely do not steal someone entire course verbatim.

If we look at our local actors, they are famous, absolutely. Everyone loves them, everyone keeps in touch with their new story, event and else. But, it doesn't mean that there is no haters around them. There are haters everywhere. Even if we just an ordinary guy, there must be someone that hate us. Sometimes, I don't understand what's wrong with those haters. It is hating is their hobbies? Separating people? 

There are may type of haters. Some haters just hate it and they didn't act out of mind. Some haters love to interrupt someone's life. They just love to see those people suffering. They don't even want those people to smile in their life. And the last type of haters is they act out of mind such as threat to kill them and to make their life suffer and painful.

And fakers, they don't even know what hard work mean is. The only thing they know is everything they want, they can get it easily. People like this also come and bring up with lies. They talk about every single thing they want even they don't know it is true or not. They are people that we can't trust forever.

It sometimes gets very old and stale to see your hard work into the drain but it also shows me that obviously made an impact on someone and helped them. I will take that and leave the nastiness behind.


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