The Team | Teen Ink

The Team

October 13, 2015
By Senor_Taco BRONZE, The Colony, Texas
Senor_Taco BRONZE, The Colony, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Deez nuts

The team
     “Today was the best day of my whole life,” Mark said to his mom.
     “Why is that Mark?”, said his mother.
     “Because you finally put me on my a select soccer team, and my first practice starts in just one week,”he said.
     “Ok, calm down”, said his mom in a chuckling tone.
   Mark is a 13 year old boy with shiny white teeth, curly black hair and green eyes. Mark's mom is tall, has green eyes , and straight teeth.  ( The week has finally arrived and Mark is getting ready to have  his first soccer practice) . 
     “Come on mom, hurry up, I don’t want to be late on the first day!” Mark said, while rushing his mom.
     “Ok,  meet me in the car” , Mark’s mom said.
     Ten minutes have past and Mark’s mom finally comes walking out of the house and gets into the car and off they go.  After a 30 minute ride to the soccer fields,  mom’s vehicle finally arrives at the soccer fields parking lot.  While in the parking lot, Mark starts crawling over the car seats while looking out all the  windows for his new team.  Mark starts yelling mom,  “ I see them, I see them !”.  Mark rushes to put on his cleats , opens the car door  and rushes out of mom’s car without closing the door.  Mom sees how happy Mark is while running to where his new teammates were sitting down, while waiting for other teammates to arrive.             
     After his first exhausting 2 hour soccer practice was over,  Mark could hardly walk.  When Mark’s mom arrived to pick him up, Mark crawled into mom’s car.  Mom could see how tired he was.  When Mark got home, he washed up, ate his dinner , did his homework and got ready for bed. 
     Mark could not believe that he would have to wait a whole week  for his next  practice with his new teammates. A week passes and Mark is getting ready for soccer.
     “MOM! CAN YOU PLEASE HURRY UP!”, Mark shouted.
    “Coming son!”, in an annoyed voice.
     A little while later,  Mark got there and he hopped out of the car and started to practice.  After practice, Mark called his mom to pick him up. When she arrived he looked  mad and teary eyed.
    “What’s the matter, Mark?”, she said.
    That’s when he told his mom that his soccer coach had just cursed him out.
     “I WANNA QUIT, SHE IS SO MEAN!’’ said Mark.
     “Mark you just can’t quit just because you don’t like some, at work I work with people I don’t like but i have to work with them, it’s my job” she said.
     Mark decides to stick it out with the bad coach and not quit because he is not a quitter and he made a commitment to stay.  One miserable  year has come and gone and today is the final soccer game.  After the final game, there will no more practices with his bad coach.  After that ,Mark decided that he wanted to play for another soccer team , that his friends play for.  A new soccer season starts and he gets a new coach.  His new soccer coach is so much different, he has two sons that are both Mark’s friends and he knows everyone one the team.  Mark sees that his  new coach has a different way of coaching and Mark likes that.  Mark’s new coach was kind, not rude, and spoke to every player with respect. That’s when Mark realized that this is the team that he should of been on years ago, this is the team that he wanted to play for

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