My Imagination | Teen Ink

My Imagination

November 1, 2015
By Timothy Cusack BRONZE, Burlington, New Jersey
Timothy Cusack BRONZE, Burlington, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagination makes up my entire mind.
When my mind is filled with happiness I am able to picture and see all of my dreams.
Characters I love come to life .
Magic and Love spreads throughout the area .
I am able to build my own personal heaven
However, remember imagination makes up my Entire mind .
When my mind is filled with sadness or terror I am able to picture and see all of my nightmares.
People I hate or who I am terrified of come to life .

Hatred and Sadness spreads throughout the area
I am trapped in my own personal hell
It is the darkness of my life
However, within every darkness there is a light of hope somewhere.
That hope will lead me towards my dreams .
Imagination is both a blessing and a curse but I am thankful for my imagination everyday

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece at a very dark point of my life. It kinda inspired to remember what makes me happy and what I want to do with my life. Hope you all like it

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