How to draw a snowman | Teen Ink

How to draw a snowman

November 10, 2015
By jasminehe BRONZE, Windsor, Connecticut
jasminehe BRONZE, Windsor, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't judge a book by its cover."

Drawing a snowman really seems simple, but if you don’t even know what a snowman is, to be honest, that shouldn’t be the case, but if it is, I will be specific enough and really show you how to draw a snowman. If this is what you want to do then read on and I will assure you that it won’t be boring. (maybe not)


These are your necessary items that you need to complete this project..

1. Pencil(s), (if you break one on accident)
2. Paper, (standard is 8.5 inches wide and 11 inches long)
3. Hand (make sure you have something to hold the pencil)
4. Sharpie or marker (this is optional, but I advise you to have it)
5. Compass and ruler (optional too, but necessary for messy people)
6. A surface (prefer the table, maybe the floor, your preference)


Step 1: Place your paper on a table or the floor if you prefer.
              Use your pencil to draw a circle. Draw this close to the top of the paper maybe 3 to 4 inches away. Try to make the circle small but not too small. If you have a compass then measure a length of 4 cm with your ruler to this compass. Then, use it and draw a circle by holding the top and place the needle side on the paper. Hold the other side and roll it around to form a relatively small circle. Next, make a bigger circle than the first one. Make this circle right under, and not somewhere random. You can do it without a compass or with one, but just make it bigger than the recent one. If you use a compass then do the same process by measuring a length of 6 cm and drawing that circle. Now you have your second circle. Finally draw your third circle by doing the same thing with a length of 8 cm and do that right under the second one.
Step 2: You have your circles done. So now you need to decorate your snowman. This is really important for your snowman. Of course for this, you just need the pencil. So draw two small circles in the first one of the whole snowman. Make sure it looks like eyes, and they are on the top. Next, you want to make a nose. The nose should be a point triangle about at the middle of the first circle (the face). Finally you want to make a mouth. For the mouth you can choose whether to draw circles around to make an arch like a mouth, OR you can just draw an arch instead of being creative with circles as a mouth.
Step 3: In this step you will decorate all the three circles. On the middle of all the circles (body) draw smaller circles. Now these need to be ONLY on the second and third circle of your drawing of the snowman. Make sure it looks good before you continue.
Step 4: Draw a hat. Now, most people can’t make the advanced way of drawing a fancy hat, show I will say the easy way. All you have to do is make it look like a leprechaun hat. Make it look like a rectangle facing up with a smaller one horizontal on the bottom of that. You obviously don’t want a boring blank white hat, so shade it in with lines and make sure it looks creative!!
Step 5: Next is also a decoration. What we need is a scarf on the neck for this snowman so he isn’t cold. (LOL) So, put it in between the first and second circle. Make it a sort of a line that is long and shaded. This is your scarf and make it not a straight line/rectangle but an archy one.
Step 6: Now all you have to do is make your arms. Make them stick out at the middle of the 2nd circle. Make sure that they are ones with fingers.
Step 7: OUTLINING!! Use your sharpie (if you have one) to outline everything and it will look like the one on your right.


YAY! Now just make sure your snowman look like the one below!!! You can now use this snowman to draw a winter landscape or anything of your choice.

The author's comments:

If you want to know how to draw a good snowman then definetly read this.

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