eating life | Teen Ink

eating life

November 12, 2015
By Anonymous

A boy named chris who aspires to be a chef. He practices by making recipes everyday, and with the help of Francis, his best friend and official taste tester, he hopes to open a resterant one day.

Chapter 1: Eating life

“And now today we’re cookin up some gourmet easy ravioli that’ll surely be hit amongst your family and friends. Now let’s start with the ingredients. A cup of-” Chris paused the TV and whipped out his old writing journal and unpaused. He carefully etched down the exact ingredients in the most neatest writing he could employ and made sure there wasn’t a single crease in the paper, although he knew that it would most likely get ruined in the process of the making the food just, like all of the other times he made recipes. He flipped through the tattered notebook and wasn’t surprised to see stains and spills of all sizes on the pages. Each one had it’s own story, like the strange brown stain on the one and only page 1 . It  was the first recipe that he tried, but due to the lack of experience with the mixer, raw dough and scalding butter flew everywhere and it was a pretty disastrous, but recipe after recipe the food started to get better and better until it was he was “master chef”. Or at least that’s what he thought. In real life he was just a twelve-year old boy trying to make ordinary food believing that one day he could own a restraunt of his own. But he could only cook before his parents could get home ( he walks home from school) because they detest the fact that their son would become a chef. The first time he told that to his parents they grounded him for a week! But he never suspected the day he would get caught…

It was a rainy day on October 23rd but it was also going to be the day that Chris will never forget. Chris came through the door with his clothes drenched in rain and was chilled to the bone. what a day! Chris thought to himself. Maybe Francis and I can hang out later.   Francis was the only one who knew that knew about chris’s cooking and was his best friend since kindergarten ever since they were put right next to each other by the teacher, almost as if it was their destiny to be friends. From that day forth Chris would always make Francis a sack lunch to show off what he learned. It usually wasn’t much but Francis always appreciated the gesture of kindness. Chris put his bag down and flipped out the TV control. He immediately went to the food channel to see if there were anymore recipes he could make. but to his surprise the channel wasn’t there!In fact all of the channels were gone. There was just a blank screen that was saying the channel was not available. And to his surprise his dad came from the corner of the room and looked at Chris right in the eye. The kind of eye that says “Gotcha” and “You’re dead”. His dad sighed and said “why are you doing this to us?” Chris was speechless. He had a wave of fear go over his entire body, mouth dry, palms sweaty and absolutely nothing to say.
In other words he was frozen. “well?” his dad said “If you don’t say something in the next minute we’re gonna need to have a little “talk” in the kitchen. Chris glanced down at his watch and managed to say, “I-I want to be a chef.”         
“Not this trash again” he spat. Follow me.
How is this happening to me I always make sure no one is home!
He started to pace down the hallways until He reached Chris’s room. He took a deep breath and scanned the room and within and instant he grabbed his computer, went out side then in a split second his computer was on the ground and the keyboard was bent and the glass had shattered everywhere! dad usually was never this mad. He wasn’t even as this mad when Chris  put aluminum foil in the microwave. He looked back at Chris and gave him  a stern look. “you’re grounded.” “forever!”

“but-” chris protested.
“no buts, I already went over this multiple times!” “When did you become so defiant!”
He rubbed his temples and departed in a most chilling way, which made Chris shiver.
“whump!” He fell back on to his cushiony futon and let out a big sigh.
Man this sucks! I can’t believe I got grounded! I’m never talking to them again!
Chris was gloomy for the rest of the day only getting up to do homework and the occasional bathroom run, but other than that he was motionless, frozen in time and space as he was paralyzed until finally the silence was broken
“Get your butt out  here!” said a booming voice. Chris showed no signs of movement as he stayed motionless, lying on the futon. “It’s not my fault if you starve to death!”
He sighed and slowly rose from his seat and drudged to the dining room.
ugh dinner…  He thought. To his surprise he saw his parents with some other strange people.
His mom was on the verge of tears, while the group of people were quietly discussing something.
“Well. Chris.” He said “You’re not coming home after school anymore.”
“What?” Chris exclaimed.
“Well honey we found you a new after school tutoring place for you” Said Chris’s mom.
What? This isn’t happening! This can’t be happening! He thought. For over 3 years he walked home with Francis every single day and he thought nothing would change that. Ever.
Chris blinked and realized what this meant. It would mean that he couldn’t hang out with Francis after school or even walk with him , but most importantly this would mean no more cooking.
Chris broke down into tears and screamed “why are you doing this to me!”
And inevitably accepted his dark and painful fate of a boring life being an endless drone to society making a little over minimum wage to be a receptionist at a low end motel not making enough money to support his children as a single father wondering of the endless dark abyss of his lonely life, thinking the thought how much is my life really worth. as he solemnly drew his final breath in a painful sigh as he looked at his final crooked reflection through a small but smooth knife and a single tear fell down his cheek as he softly said “I’m sorry kids.”

Chapter Notes:


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