Recipe for a stress free finals week prep time: two weeks before | Teen Ink

Recipe for a stress free finals week prep time: two weeks before

January 14, 2016
By Kmoney980 BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
Kmoney980 BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

prep time: two weeks before
yields: passing those classes

1-2 boxes of note cards
3-4 pencils
1/2 pack of highlighters
1 reuseable water bottle
All class notes and readings
Box of ziploc gallon bags

Start by cleaning up your workspace, this will help you feel less stressed and you won’t get distracted by the mess later.
Fill up that water bottle, hydration is key
Organize your materials by the importance so that you spend majority of your time on those subjects
Reread notes and make note cards on the ideas and concepts you don't understand.
Spend 20-25 mins on each subject then take a 5 minute break so you don't get topic exhaustion.
ALWAYS WRITE THE PAPERS FIRST then study other materials and work on other classes
Material that is really hard to understand or just isn't connecting should be placed in a ziplock bag and placed in your shower to be studied while taking showers

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