Be My Eyes | Teen Ink

Be My Eyes

March 8, 2016
By KeepCalmRockOn BRONZE, Sharon Springs, New York
KeepCalmRockOn BRONZE, Sharon Springs, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I tucked my feet up under my body as the wooden porch swing slowly rocked back and forth; my favorite woven blanket draped over my shoulders and I shifted the warm coffee mug back and forth in my hands as I breathed in the crisp mountain air. I’ve really grown to love the solitude of living in the wilderness; I lived for the sounds of nature and wonderful fresh air.
My mind began to wander back to my days in the city; the countless hours spent at the special school my parents insisted I attend. I didn’t mind making my parents happy, especially because of all they had done for me throughout the years; I know that I wasn’t the easiest child to raise. On the other hand, I really wish that they realized how hard city life was for a girl like me. There was always so much going on around me, so many noises, movements and smells; it was impossible for me to concentrate.
My mind came back to reality as I heard the old screen door to the front porch crash shut. A strong arm snaked around my shoulders and hugged me close to an even stronger body; a body that I’ve grown to love so much. I leaned into the new warmth and sighed, taking another sip of my coffee.
“Still thinking about the city?” a kind voice whispered in my ear, a voice that had come to be my favorite sound.
“Yes, I am. I mean, I’m so happy to be here because it’s so much better for me. I’m able to really use my senses and create a beautiful picture of the real world; not a picture of the world from a concrete perspective.” I pulled the blanket even closer around me, even though I wasn’t really cold now that his arms were wrapped around me.
“Melissa, I understand that; I just want to make sure that you’re happy.” His gentle lips pressed against my forehead. Tears began to come as I thought about what to say next.
“Jay, I am happy, you know that. It’s just that…” I paused as I shifted in my seat to face him, “I feel like I’ve missed out on a real, normal life. We are both young and I spent most of my life locked away in that school in the city. I know that my parents just wanted the best for me, but I can’t help thinking that maybe they just didn’t want to deal with raising me. I know they love me… but I want to actually feel that love.”
“Oh Mel… don’t talk like that. They do love you and sending you to that school was their way of showing that. You were a miracle baby, and they didn’t know how to handle that. But think about it this way, if you hadn’t been in the city, I wouldn’t have met you in that coffee shop on that rainy day. If you hadn’t been in that concrete jungle, we wouldn’t be where we are now.” Jay wrapped his arms around me again and held me tight.
“I just want to be normal, I want to go out and travel… see the world.” I sobbed into his chest. “I have my own picture of the world, and I love it; I just want to be able to go out, like so many others, and see the world for myself.”
The air around me was suddenly silent and I began to uncomfortably shift the now cold coffee cup in my hands.
“Mel, I know… and that’s why I’ve been thinking.” Jay reached forward and took the cup from my hands and set it down at our feet. “I want to give you your birthday present.”
“My birthday present?” I questioned, “It isn’t for another month, you know that.”
“I know, but this gift really can’t wait.” He whispered as he pressed an envelope into my hands and gently kissed my cheek, running his fingers through my hair.
“Jay…  what is this?” I gasped, trying to wrap my mind around what could be going on.
“I’m fulfilling your dream; you’re going to see the world, we are going to see the world. We leave in two days and we will be gone for six months; this is what you’ve been dreaming of, and I want to make your dreams come true. I love you more than anything, Mel.” He grabbed my hands tight and gently brought them to his lips.
“But Jay… how could you afford this? This makes no sense…” I struggled to find words as tears began to pour down my cheeks.
“I spent my savings and sold the truck; I’ve also been working overtime the last few weeks.”
“But this is my dream, not yours… this is a waste of your money, Jay. I love you; don’t get me wrong, I love you more than anything. But with my situation, do you really think this is something worth spending all the money we have?”  I stood up quickly, nearly knocking the coffee mug over. I walked forward to the porch railing and leaned all of my weight on it, raising my face to the wind so that I could breath in the fresh smell of the wilderness once more.
Jay’s strong hands grasped my shoulders again and spun me around, two gentle lips soon met mine and it was hard to hold back the tears again. His fingers brushed my skin as he gently kissed my wet eyelids, “It’s alright my love, I’ll be your eyes; let’s go see the world.”

The author's comments:

A short story that I plan to turn into a mini-series.

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