Roars of a lion | Teen Ink

Roars of a lion

March 18, 2016
By AWESOME248 BRONZE, Unalaska, Alaska
AWESOME248 BRONZE, Unalaska, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The lion struggled to get up as he was surrounded by five people carrying spears, he tried to crawl away but his little paw was trapped in some rope that tied him down. He pulled and he pulled but it only made the rope tighter around his paw. The lion looked up to see one of the five men walking towards the lion, stopping in front of him. As the lion’s eyes grew bigger the man held his spear above his head as the iron point glimmered in the plains and struck. But as the lion opened his eyes, he saw his little avocado that he used to play with lying on the floor. He then realized that it was all in his sleepy little head. What he just witnessed was just another bad dream. As he grabbed the curtains with his teeth he pulled the curtains away to see the bright sunlight out on the field. He stared to his friends playing his favorite sport, tag-hide-hunt, where you have one seeker and you try to find the people who hid from you and once you have found them you have to pounce onto them.
As he rushed downstairs to meet his friends he saw his father sitting down by the window with his mother. It seemed to him that they were trying to enjoy the sunlight and look at the clouds, he always wondered why his parents looked at the clouds every day he came downstairs, but never bothered to ask. As he walked quietly over to the door his father looked at him as he creaked the floor.
“Takeda,” said his dad, “where are you going, my son.”
“I am going outside to play with my friends by Hollow Bastion.” said Takeda
Hollow Bastion was a place of dark and mystical creatures that want to steal your heart. People said it was a place where these mystical creatures stayed once they died with an evil burden in their heart, they were called the heartless.
“Well ok,” said the dad, “just be careful now and don’t go into the Hollow Bastion, you carry a powerful heart inside you now, you don’t want it taken away.”
“I know dad,” said Takeda.
As he walked out the house he waved his paw at his mom and dad to see them watch the little cub go to his friends.
As he walked to the white trees, as they call it because of all of the glimmering white wheat in around the colorful trees, he saw all his other friends that were there. There was three other cubs Vanille, Odin, and LIghting, a tiny brown bear named Po, and a little dragon named Hope, all playing around the autumn trees with brown leaves.
  “Hey Takeda,” said one of the cubs.
“Hey Vanille,” said Takeda, “what’s up guys.”
“Nothing much,” said one of the other cubs, “just starting a new game, want to join, Odin’s next.”
“Sure,” said Takeda excitedly.
“Alright here we go, 1…, 2…, 3…., 4….,” said Odin loudly at the tree.
As everyone scattered around the field, Takeda and his friend lightning, one of the cubs, went around trying to find a different spot besides their usual spots. So as they ran around the white trees they stumbled upon the line that separated the white trees ground from the place they call Hollow Bastion. As Takeda looked at Lightning she didn’t look to happy when Takeda thought of hiding in Hollow Bastion.
“No Takeda,” Lightning said, “we should never, ever cross that line.”
“Come on, think of it, best hiders in the whole plains,” said Takeda, “and it’ll only be for a few seconds anyways, haven’t you ever thought of what’s behind that dark line.”
As Lightning was trying to answer, they heard everyone else coming their way, it sounded like Odin found everybody already, as much as Lightning did want to be the best hider in the plains, she still had no choice but to be smart and let them catch her. Takeda was about to cross the line but he just thought, what if his friends told on him after they say him running into the dark, rugged place of darkness. He finally stepped back and tried to hide somewhere else where they couldn’t find him. But it was too late they heard him running away through the grass. As Takeda he heard growl coming from right behind him.
“GOTCHA,” said Odin as he pounced on to Takeda.
“Awww man,” said Takeda softly as he rests on the floor.
As they all laughed and walked back the noticed that It was getting late so they all decided to go back to their dens and go to sleep. But as Takeda walked to his front door he remembered about that place that he almost went into, Hollow Bastion. He kept thinking about it, how dark it was, how mysterious it was, and how awesome it was to fight the little, demons. He would be king of the world, and he parents would probably be very proud of him.
“Hmmm,” Takeda whispered, “I wonder what would be in there. I probably should just go over and check it out, just to check if everything was ok, and besides it’s not even my bed time.
So as the Takeda runs all the way to the white trees he ran into something.
“hmph,” Takeda said as he fell onto the floor, “ugh, what was that.”
As he looked back he saw a rock with a short blade coming out of the side of it, it glimmers at the eyes of Takeda as the sun set.
“Whooooooooh,” said Takeda, “Awesome. I could probably use that to fight of the heartless.”
As he tries and tries to pull out the small dagger, it didn’t seem to come out, no matter how strong Takeda tried pulling it.
“Awww, well who needs it anyways, all I need is my roar and my claws and I could take down those beasts.
Takeda roared to show off his pride and he walked away to go and find the line that lead to Hollow Bastion. But as he didn’t realize was that the little dagger in the stone actually moved a little bit out of the stone.
As Takeda was walking he found the line that lead him to Hollow Bastion, but this time it was a red colored line. Takeda watched as the red line shined next to the white grass. Takeda was watching the line to Hollow Bastion and actually wondered what kind of treasures he would find in Hollow Bastion.
“Maybe, a crown, rubies, diamonds, shiny things and more.” Takeda cried out, “well not going to find out by standing here.
As Takeda took a step towards the red line he got a little chill down his neck. Then the next step he took, he heard a little muffled sound. Then as he stepped over the line he heard a voice that said……
“Live your dreams,” said the voice softly
Then BOOM, the whole placed spread out darkness and everything turned black and almost shriveled out. The white trees was no more, it was just a myth now, Takeda has just realized that he had made a mistake as he turned around he saw his friends and family come down to him when he realized it was past his curfew.
“Takeda,” said his dad, “why.”
“Well I thought all those stories were just a dream and haven’t you all wondered what was in Hollow Bastion.”
“Yes,” said his mother softly, “we all wondered what was in Hollow Bastion, even some of use wondered what would happen.
As Takeda’s dad looked down in shame Takeda looked at him with big brown eyes.
“You went in there too,” said Takeda.
“Yes,” said Takeda’s dad,” I had thought too much about this place and took a few steps in and this happened again.
As they were talking they had relieved that there was five black shadowy figures next to them. They were the heartless, they looked like little black, clawed creatures with circles as their heads and bodies.
“RUN,” said Vanille.
As they all scrammed Takeda’s dad went to the way Takeda came from,
“What are you doing dad,” Takeda asked, running by his side.
His dad didn’t answer because he had just stopped by the rock with the small dagger in it. He roared at it and roared and tried to pull it out. Takeda’s dad was worried and confused as he had done this before without no sweat. As Takeda looked at him he was attacked by one of the heartless.
“Owww,” said Takeda angrily
As Takeda saw the dark shadowy figure disappear under the floors all he did in aggression was to look at it disappearing. Then as it disappeared he was so mad he just roar as loud as he could
As he finished the dagger had come out of the rock and it glimmered as bright as the sun.
“Wow,” everyone said in the whole plains as they witnessed the huge bright light the shined from the ground to the sky.
As the dagger came out it moved itself and went somewhere. Takeda and his dad followed it all the way to the line which was now just a streak of fire. But as the dagger plunged itself into the ground they found it dragging itself to seal the line, but as it finished it didn’t seem like it did anything but put out the fire. The darkness was still coming out of Hollow Bastion. Then the ground started to shake.
“Whooooh,” said Takeda and his dad.
Then they saw a huge black shadowy figured with a hole that looked similar to a heart in the middle of the tall beast. Takeda and his dad were now worry and all they could have done was watch. But as the tall figure tried to reach down and grab the dagger, Takeda got mad, it was his dagger because he pretty much pulled it out.
Then the dagger turned itself in the ground and everything turned bright as the huge, tall figure vanquished. Then Takeda found himself in his room lying down on his little bed slumped down on his head. Everything was just forgotten about and everything was just a normal life, as if it was just a dream.

The author's comments:

A story of ones inner power

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