Friends::were they?? | Teen Ink

Friends::were they??

April 4, 2016
By Layeba BRONZE, Lucknow, Other
Layeba BRONZE, Lucknow, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

While looking out of the window,she noticed,the clouds had covered the sky ..The black clouds absorbed the blue sky.. The blue sky was barely visible.. it was all black.. It was supposed to be a fine summer morning.. But the blackness of the sky depicted a different story...She could easily compare her life with the atmosphere around her.. The black clouds covered the blue sky just like the pain and aches ocuupied her happy heart.. The atmosphere around her was bit sad just like her mind..The difference was that it looked like a storm was about to come but in her life a storm already came and left and it left a severe scar on her mind.. There was no one around her..she was alone ,not in the house, but as a person..But people hardly cared..
Everyone was busy their own life.. where there was no space for her.. that's what she felt.. or maybe that's what their actions depicted..
The atmosphere outside the window made her nostalgic.. She was thrown aback for a while... She thought about all the happy times when she had her friends with her.. when she mattered to them..when they actually cared.... atleast she thought so.. She remembered the past..and once again ,was lost in the deep dark ocean of memories.. It was a place where she didn't wanted to go.. but ,unfortunately, at the same time couldn't resist herself from visiting it... And that place no more gave her happiness.. but always left her with a bit of more scars on her heart..
Those few memories were enough to shatter her.. A tear rolled her cheeks... Her eyes were bit red,her big innocent eyes were filled with tears.. Cheeks all red..She wanted to pour her heart out But she have had to be strong .. If they don't care then why should she.. But she was too sensitive to handle anything.. too sensitive to be strong..
As the tear rolled her cheeks ...The sky began shedding its tears too... it looked like the sky wished to lessen her pain...the clouds were crying too.. A small world was sad.. The sky was sad on seeing its small world sad....

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