never hesitant | Teen Ink

never hesitant

May 14, 2016
By Anonymous

On a sunny day in the mountains of the Californian beaches,  A boy named John was playing with his mother. He was having a great time.But after years of enjoying playing with his mother, he started to go out with his friends. He returned home one day telling his mother he needs a job to get money. His mother offers him her some of her clothes to sell so that he can get money. He left the house, running to sell the clothes and leaving his mother both happy that should could help her sun, and sad that she can't play with him. He once again has flawless time out with his friends. Years later he came back to his mother and was sad because he could only stay with his mother so long. He came to visit his mother, with only so long to see her. He was to old now to play with her and he didn't seem to want to play anyways. His mother how ever didn't mind, she simply was enjoying the time with her son. He however couldn't stay long for as he had to work, he needed to get money once again so that he could buy materials to build a house.

He had no house yet for his wife and children and was stressed out about it. His mother didn't want to see him and stressed out, so she thought on what to do. She then struck the idea that she can give him parts of the house, walls roof and windows in all! He was so surprised and glad at the same time, his mother once again saved him. But once again he left his mother happy and sad as he only came to seek help, not play or talk with his mother to catch up on things.His mother was left at home with half a house, and almost no clothes left for her. Year after year he would come here and there mostly if not all for advice, she of course always gave him something to help him out. She was never hesitant. He came one time in need of something he wanted to very bad.This time he asked his mother if he could have anything of important value to buy a plane for himself.She again would give anything to her son, as long as he was happy she could and would give him anything. She decided to give him her retirement savings and her car so that he would have enough.

He was delighted and left in a hurry to buy his plane. He enjoyed his plane for many years to come, taking his wife, children, and even friends on trips around the world. He however never took his mother on any trips, most likely forgetting how he got the plane in the first time. He came back to his mother’s house, if you can even call it that. It was missing most of its structure, its other half if not more was gone, given to her son because he needed a house. He came back, frail with old age, but not as old as his mother. His mother laid there, she looked tired, sad, and ill. John the now old man, walked to his mother and asked her what was wrong with her. She replied with a frail soft voice, “John how good it is to see you, i've been alone almost rotting away, waiting for your return everyday.” He looked ashamed, his old face covered in wrinkles, scrunched together in sadness. His mother was wondering what was wrong, “John what is the matter? I do not have anything for you i'm sorry.”

He however did not come for money, or materials for a house, or a plane. He just wanted to be with his mother. He asked her why her clothes were so old and looked so broken with holes everywhere. She again replied, “ i gave away all of my clothes to you a long time ago, for you to have money and enjoy it with your friends.” His face was filled with guilt, he realized this truth and felt sadden once more. He then said “well how come you never bought new ones? Certainly you should have money to buy new clothes.” She looked astonished, should thought, did he really forget? “ John how did you get that plane of yours? I gave you all of my money and even my car so that you could afford that plane, i don't regret giving it to you, but please remember where these things come from. How you got them is important. He was even more worried, has the greed in him gotten the best of him?

He hadn't realized that he has been this one greedy child this entire time, he has been blind to his mother. But the reason he returned is that he wanted to come back with his mother and spend the rest of his days with her and himself, just them two. He laid next to her and he just became silent. His mother was frail, pale, but not sad anymore. “John don't feel bad, i'm here for you, yes i don't have anything for you but my life, but if i must i will give it up for you.” They sat there silent, the both of them. He looked over at his mother, he thinks over this life he would rarely visit his mother. She has given him everything and he would never visit her. He talks to his mother for hours, just the two of them enjoying the day. They talk so much that he stays over, revealing his motive to being there in the first place. “Mother i'm not here for money, or a house, or anything of yours, i just came to be with you. I'm going to take care of you from now on, for the rest of your days.

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