Family Tree | Teen Ink

Family Tree

April 7, 2017
By bcottrell SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
bcottrell SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everybody in my family is a different height. My father is 5’8 on any day. He acts like a troll always yelling at me to get better grades and to do my homework. My mom being 5’7 is tall for a girl. She is tall for a girl and she uses it to her advantage with bossing my family around giving us orders to clean the house and to finish our chores. My brother being 6’3 comes of nowhere. He eats anything and eats fast like a bear. He often is the one glancing over the fridge to help my mom look for pots and pans to use that she cannot reach. Me being 6’1 making me the second tallest in the family. Being the second child, I got a lot of my brothers clothes that I have feel like I am still growing into today. My dog Roxy is a big bodied black lab that loves to eat food and a by far the shortest in the family. She loves to sniff any meal my mom makes and sleep all day until it's time to eat. She begs like she has never been fed before and is starving to death. She is happy to be shortest in the family because she is then able to reach any food that hits the ground before we can pick it up. Everybody in my family is a different height.

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