The Human Zoo | Teen Ink

The Human Zoo

May 21, 2018
By Wolfetech BRONZE, Huachuca City, Arizona
Wolfetech BRONZE, Huachuca City, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” -Walt Disney

An owl and a raccoon were sitting on the branch of a tree above a campsite. The two animals sat and watched two men argue over a tent. Minutes turned into hours and the sun had set. All through the night the men argued. The two animals still perched on their hidden look out.

“These humans should be locked away,” said the raccoon to the owl.

“You are quite right,” said the owl, “They are very brutish beasts indeed. We must act as soon as possible,”

Within the week the men found themselves in a cage in a large zoo. The only difference was that all the other cages were filled with human beings. The two men began to argue about whose fault it was that they had been put in this cage, while the owl put 3 men in suits into a cage. The men stood, and examined where they were. They didn’t ask why or argued, they simply sat patiently.

“Look at those ones!” A small wolf said, pointing at the suited men.

“Wow!” His mother replied, “They are nothing like those other brutes they brought in,”

However, hearing the mocking words against them the men still fought and argued with each other. That day, the suited men were set free and the other cages began to empty, yet the two men withered away. Those men died in that cage, arguing over who got the other one sick.

The author's comments:

I wrote this flash fiction story to show how arguing gets us nowhere. I wrote this after I learned the concept myself when I got into an argument with one of my siblings. I also wanted to write this because of out very argumentative society today and how arguing only wastes valuable time.

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