Toenail and Terrance ft. Mr. Fisherman | Teen Ink

Toenail and Terrance ft. Mr. Fisherman

May 15, 2018
By GeneralCornyCornCorn BRONZE, Hampton, Georgia
GeneralCornyCornCorn BRONZE, Hampton, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

There once was a little pig named was Toenail. He was given such a terrible name because the humans who technically owned him didn't care for him very much. Toenail did not understand why they were like this. The humans were so bitter because they had never been shown kindness, and they didn't know how to show it to others. Toenail was walking around the farm one morning when he noticed a small gopher digging a hole on the other side the fence. 

"Yo, I'm Toenail!" said Toenail. The gopher stuck his head up suddenly.  

"Oh, hello there, my good sir," he replied. "My name is Terrance, pleased to meet you." Terrance wondered why this pig had such a stupid name, but he thought it would be rude to ask about it. Toenail had always wanted to explore the world outside the farm, so he decided to ask his new friend if he would help him out. Terrance continued digging and came out on Toenail's side of the fence.  "There you are!" Terrance said. "Now you can crawl into this hole and out the other side, and crawl back before night falls."  Toenail had a bit of trouble when trying to squeeze through, as he had eaten a little too much for breakfast, but he finally made it after a few minutes of squirming. "Now, what would you like to see first? I can take you anywhere around here that you would like to go." There was a river just barely in earshot and that was the first place Toenail wanted to see. They ran as fast as they could toward the sound of the rushing waters, and when they arrived Toenail was so excited he could barely keep in his squeals. He had never seen anything like this before. He took his shades out of the back pocket of his jean shorts and slid them over his eyes.     

The two of them splashed around in the water while singing "All Star" merrily. Suddenly, they heard a high pitched "yeet" and upon turning around saw a man casting his fishing line into the river. "Hi, gopher and pig," he said. Toenail greeted the man kindly and told him of his exciting time outside the farm. The three of them went into a deep conversation about their feelings and emotions. Toenail told his new friends about the humans who owned him, and how they didn't seem to like him very much. Toenail wished he knew what he could do to improve his relationship with them. "I have an idea," said the fisherman. "If you do something nice for the humans, it may inspire them to become better people, and they'll love you forever." 

"That is a super idea," replied Toenail. He knew exactly what he wanted to do. He decided he would collect the most beautiful things he could find on earth and present them to the farmers. Toenail and Terrence continued onward, but Mr. Fisherman stayed put. 

"I'd love to go with you, but I'm afraid I've got hungry mouths to feed," he said. 

Terrance led Toenail into the forest, and they tried to find beautiful things. Toenail spotted a pinecone and stuck it in his pocket. "This is great. They're gonna love it!" he said. They also picked lots of brightly colored berries and leaves from small trees. After wandering around here for a while, they went into a field of tall grass, and Toenail gathered yellow and purple flowers. He stuck those in his pockets as well, even though they were way too full. He was determined. Terrance picked up some very pretty pieces of glass that were lying in the dirt and slid them into his coat. He was beaming with excitement. "I don't see how anyone could not love these wonderful items." 

It was about lunchtime now, and Toenail could hear his tummy rumbling. They decided it would be a good time to go back toward the farm and grab a bite to eat before presenting the lovely items to the humans. They had a picnic by a tree just outside the fence and enjoyed their vegan dishes and organic fruit smoothies. When they were full, they climbed back into the hole Terrance had dug and laid out all the beautiful things onto the ground. Toenail was so excited that he ran toward the house to call for his humans. 'REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" he shouted, and they rushed out to see what all the fuss was about. Toenail led them to the beauty pile, and the humans were so happy. No one had ever done anything so nice for them before. They wrapped up Toenail in their arms and apologized to him for treating him badly before. "Wow," Toenail said to himself, "I guess kindness really goes a long way. Yay." The end.

The author's comments:

prepare to be blown away...

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