No Matter What, No Matter Where | Teen Ink

No Matter What, No Matter Where

March 11, 2022
By Anonymous

                                                     Chapter 1: The Secret


Once Katherine opened her eyes it was already 9 am and she knew it was time to get ready. But the sound of her mom breathing and her sweet scent of flowers. How could she leave? Katherine wanted to stay, but at the same time, she knew that she needed to get up. So she wouldn’t wake up her mom, she tipi toe to the door and started to get ready for the day.

“ Where are you going?” asked her dad with his eyebrow narrowed down.

“ I’m going to Jasons’ game with Leslie”

“ Okay,  be back soon and be careful.”

Once Katherine got to Leslies’ house, she texted her.

Katherine: I’m here – Red heart emoji

Leslie: You’re here already? 

Katherine: Ofc 

Leslie: Okay, I’ll be right out

Katherine remembered that she had basketball balls in the trunk of the car. She told Leslie to grab them and together they walked to the game.

“ You made it,” said Jason, all excited.

“ Of course,” said Katherine with a cheerful smile.

“ Well I have to go with the guys because coach is going to tell us who is starting”

“ Okay. Good luck”

Katherine then gave a kiss to Jason for good luck. While Jason was playing, Katherine was talking to Leslie about what to get Jason for Christmas.

"Since Jason is my boyfriend I want to get him something special for Christmas"

“ How about clothing?” suggested Leslie. 

“ No, too simple. Wait. I got it. I know exactly what to get him”

Katherine was about to tell Leslie what she was gonna get him until they heard the whistle and it was game over. Jasons’ team had won and to celebrate, Jason decided to invite Katherine and Leslie to go eat.

“ You guys wanna go out to eat later, ” asked Jason.

"I'll go if Leslie goes," said Katherine.

"Can I bring my boyfriend, Jacob?" asked Leslie. 

"I don't know about Jacob" frowned Katherine. 

"Why don't you like Jacob, Katherine? "asked Leslie with a confused look.

"You know what Leslie, bring the man if you want to, but tonight, observe him closely."

"I will"

Once Jason was done packing his gear he accompanied them to their car. As Jason opened the door for Katherine, he asked her where she wanted to go.

“ I'll text you later with the details," said Katherine.

"Okay luv"

With that, Jason gave Katherine a kiss on the cheek and he saw the car drive away.


I don’t know what to wear. You know what, I’m going to wear my red flannel. Make sense for this time of year since Christmas is almost here. With my ripped jeans, it will be a perfect outfit. I’ll wear my black coat that has fur inside and I’ll take it off once we get there.

Once Katherine showered and got ready she didn’t know what shoes she would wear. 

I think I’m gonna go in my black Uggs, so my feet won’t get cold.

Once Katherine was all perfumed and ready she texted Jason to pick her up.

Katherine: I’m ready, so text when you’re here

Jason: I’ll be there in 5 minutes

Katherine: kk

Five minutes passed by and Jason was here. 

Jason: I’m here

Katherine: kk

Katherine was on her way, but she decided to say bye to her mom.

“ Mom, I’m gonna go now, okay”

“ Katherine, remember tomorrow to pick up my dress from the cleaners”

“ The cleaners?”
“ Yes, I need that dress to be picked up because that’s the dress that I’m gonna wear on Christmas Eve”

“ Okay mom, I’ll try to remember”

Once Katherine kissed her mom and said goodbye she got into Jasons’ car and drove to Leslies’ house. Once they got there, Katherine texted Leslie. 

“Let me text her,” said Katherine

Katherine: We’re here

Leslie: Already?

Katherine: ofc

Leslie: Okay, I’ll be out in a sec

Once Leslie and Jacob got in the car, they all agreed to go eat pasta. 15 minutes passed by and they were in their booth. The waiter then came and started to take orders.

“ What can I get you guys started,” said the waiter with a graceful British accent

They all ordered their drinks and their food. 20 minutes later the food and drinks were here. 

“Here are your orders and would you each like cheese in your pasta?"

“ Yes please,” they all said 

Their food was delicious, but all of a sudden Katherine noticed that Jacob was flirting with the girl that was sitting next to their table. Katherine had enough and decided to tell Leslie the truth of what was going on.

"Leslie, can I talk to you in private please"

"Ummm, okay"

The girls then stepped outside the restaurant and Katherine told Leslie how Jacob was cheating on her with a girl named Lexi, and how she caught him kissing Lexi on the cheek. 

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner? "said Leslie almost crying 

"I was going to tell you sooner, but then a week passed and I saw how Jacob made you so happy, and I didn't want to ruin that for you"

"A week?, "said Leslie with her eyes wide, "You knew for a week. Tell me the truth Katherine, how long have you known?"

"2 weeks, Leslie I'm so sorry,  I know now that I should have told you sooner. Leslie please please forgive me, "begged Katherine

"Lies, lies, that's all you are Katherine. You pretend to have a perfect life and in reality, you don't. You brag about how you have the perfect family and the perfect boyfriend."

At that moment Katherine just shouts the words that she wouldn't think to scream. 

"MY MOM HAS CANCER" shouted Katherine 

"See, another lie, you know what Katherine, deal with your mom's sickness all on your own, "at that moment Leslie took off but before she got far she said, "You know what Katherine, I'm glad your mom has cancer. Your dead to me Katherine"

At that moment I felt dead too. 

Later that evening, Katherine decided to sleep with her mom after what happened with Leslie. 

“ Mom”

“ What happened? Why are you crying?”

“ I had a huge fight with Leslie and I don't know if Leslie will ever forgive me" cried Katherine.

'Vas a estar bien mi amor."

"Mom, I wish you weren't sick"

"I know mi amor, I know"

With her mom's warm hug and her sweet scent of hair, Katherine went softly to sleep. 


                                                   Chapter 2: The Last Dinner

Christmas Eve was finally here. Katherine was so excited to see her whole family being reunited, for presents, and for the food. For the first time after she found out that her mom has cancer, she felt happy, but not entirely happy because of what happened with Leslie.  

I will wear the green dress that mom bought me with leggings and my boots. My black boots will match perfectly. 

Once Katherine had done her hair,  she was ready to get dressed.  Her black dress with a touch of green was the perfect dress. Once Katherine was dressed and

Christmas Eve was finally here. Katherine was so excited to see her whole family being reunited, for presents, and for the food. For the first time after she found out that her mom has cancer, she felt happy, but not entirely happy because of what happened with Leslie.  

I will wear the green dress that mom bought me with leggings and my boots. My black boots will match perfectly. 

Once Katherine had done her hair,  she was ready to get dressed.  Her black dress with a touch of green was the perfect dress. Once Katherine was dressed and Christmas Eve was finally here. Katherine was so excited to see her whole family being reunited, for presents, and for the food. For the first time after she found out that her mom has cancer, she felt happy, but not entirely happy because of what happened with Leslie.  

I will wear the green dress that mom bought me with leggings and my boots. My black boots will match perfectly. 

Once Katherine had done her hair,  she was ready to get dressed.  Her black dress with a touch of green was the perfect dress. Once Katherine was dressed and 

“ Selfie pic please,” said both of them.

“ Can we not do this please”

“ Picture please,” both of them pleaded. 

 Veronica and Vannessa are the twin sisters in the family. Both are 20 years old, daughters of Maggie, and were born in April. 

It was time for dinner. Everyone was rounded up at the table to eat.  Dinner was salmon with rice and some alfredo sauce. The alfredo sauce, you place on top of the salmon, and the rice is just aside. Everyone had to say what they wish for, for this Christmas. Everyone had already passed and it was Katherines' turn to say something. 

"I wish for my life to be happy and for everyone in my family to be happy. Mom, I want to tell you something. I love you with all my heart. "

"Oh, honey" cried her mom, "I want you to know that no matter what happens, I want you to know that I love you too."

A few hours have passed by and it was time to open presents. It was approximately  1 in the morning and everyone drifted off to sleep only to wake up the next morning with a tragic death. 

The next morning came and Katherine went to see her mom in her room to wish her a Merry Christmas. As Katherine opened the door quietly she tried to wake up her mom, but she wouldn’t wake up.  Terrified she woke up her dad to try to wake up her mom. Katherine tried not to believe it, she kept trying to wake up her mom. Her dad calming her down and telling her the words that she, in a million years, wouldn't hear.

"Mom has passed away"

Panicked, Katherine just screams with a despairing and in a raging voice.


                                                        Chapter 3: Love you too

A few minutes have passed by after Katherine found out her mother died. Hysterical, Katherine looks at herself in the mirror and thinks to herself what she did to deserve this. At the same time, her dad was worried about Katherine because he knows that Katherine can't handle grief well. At that moment, Katherine’s phone vibrated and it was Jason. 

" Jason"

"What happened? Why do you sound like you're crying?"

"She's gone. My mom is gone"

"What, when, how?"

"I'll explain everything later but right now. I need you to do me a favor. I need you to go to the pharmacy store and get me Tylenol, please."

"Katherine for what, "Jason said worriedly, "You’re not gonna do anything stupid right"

"No, I'm not crazy to do anything like killing myself"

With the door locked you could hear the yelling and scream of Katherines' voice. 

Knock knock

"Katherine come out. You need to eat something"

"I'm not ready to come out, so can you please leave me, alone dad, please."

"Honey, coming out will do you good"

"But coming out is going to make things worse. I have no purpose. People are talking about me on social media, my best friend won't talk to me, and the cherry on top is that my mom is dead. So dad for the love of God can you please leave me alone, please"

The dad hearing this and trying to understand what his daughter is going through just walks away and leaves his daughter alone. 


A few weeks have passed by, and Katherines' dad decided to take Katherine to a doctor.  When they got there, the doctors tested her weight. Her weight was pretty low, and the doctors recommended that she eat more. Doctors also asked to speak in private with the dad to talk about Katherine.

"Sir, your daughter is suffering from a depressive disorder. Did anything happen recently?"

"My wife just passed away and it's been hard on all of us"

"I'm guessing that it must be harder on her. From what I see in Katherine, I would recommend for her to see a therapist.  That may do good results"

"Okay, thank you doctor"


After the funeral and after winter break, Katherine wouldn't come out. For weeks she wouldn't come out and she wouldn't ask for anything. Until one day, while Mr. Martinez was about to enter the shower he heard Katherine crying and talking to someone.

At first, he thought it was her boyfriend, but then he heard, "With this, I will be with you". At that moment, he rushed to get a coin to open the lock to see his daughter trying to kill herself.

"Katherine, DON'T," screamed Mr. Martinez 

"I want to be with mom!" cried Katherine with desperation 

"No, you don't. Daniel, Daniel, call 911 " called Mr. Martinez

"On it," said Daniel.

After that incident, Mr. Martinez chose to send Katherine to a therapist. After Katherine got better it was time for her first session. 

"Well Katherine, how are you feeling today?" asked the therapist. 

"I'm feeling like I don't want to be here" frowned Katherine.

"Okay, that's understandable. How are you feeling emotionally?"

"I feel sad, vulnerable, angry, depressed, lonely, and I feel weak. "

"Okay, Katherine, why do you feel that way?"

"I lost mostly everything and I feel like I have no purpose in living. My mom is dead and I don't know why God made this happen. Was it because I wasn't nice or because I didn't help in fundraisers? Tell me please, I want to know so I can fix it." said Katherine, devastated. 

When Katherine was saying those words, she broke down into tears. The therapist who barely even knew her, could see how vulnerable she was. Katherine didn't need a therapist, but needed a mom. Since her mom wasn't alive for her to talk about the problems she needed another mom. 

"Katherine, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, " wiping away her tears, "ask me anything"

"Katherine, do you think that killing yourself will solve your problems?"

Katherine with a confused face didn't know how to respond. She notices that she wasn't talking to a therapist, she was talking to someone who was a mom. 

"Katherine answer the question please"

"Umm, the truth is that yes, I sometimes believe that killing myself will make the problems go away. Being alive causes them so the opposite is for me, is to kill myself. 

"Katherine, taking away your life doesn't solve anything. Think about your family and your boyfriend and your friend Leslie. "

"Let me stop you right there, Leslie hates me right now. She told me that she was the one that wrote me a letter saying that I should be dead and that nobody loves me."

"Katherine, I'm I sure she didn't write that"

"She then told me, I was dead to her.  So please don't bring her up please "

"Okay, we won't. Now about your mom, I want to try something new. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine you're talking to your mom and that you're having a happy moment with her."

Katherine took a deep breath and relaxed. Once her mind was relaxed, she tried to look for her mom. Then, she saw her. 

"Mom? "Katherine said with tears coming down.


"Mom, I can't believe I'm talking to you"

"Listen mi amor, I need you to know something."

"What is it? "

"I need you to know that I will always be with you. No matter what and no matter where I will always be there with you. Right here corazon. Promise me you won't do something stupid, okay. "

"Yes mom, I promise"

"Oh, one more thing mi vida "

"What is it, mom?"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

At that moment, Katherine didn't want to let go, but she knew that she had. 

"Katherine, Katherine, Katherine wake up," yelled the therapist, "Katherine are you okay?"

Katherine in a serious face opens her eyes. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I wanted to know what people go through when their struggle with grief.  This piece came from what I've seen people do. I hope the world can learn something about this short story that I wrote. 

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