Harry Potter And the Deathly Bowels | Teen Ink

Harry Potter And the Deathly Bowels

July 11, 2011
By Anonymous

Harry: I am the Chosen One. I am the One who Survived. And I am… <with a dramatic song in the background, preferably 'We are the Champions' by Queen> HARRY POTTER!! (with a bored expression), though I don’t really want to be.

Voldemort (In his evil, high pitched voice): Harry Potter! We meet, at last.

Harry (with a shudder); Y-yeah.

Voldemort: I’m gonna kill you.

Harry starts backing slowly and bumps into Hermione. Relief dawns on to him.

Harry: Haha. I can fight you with Expelliarmus you filthy little cockroach!.

Voldemort: You dare---

Hermione: Harry! Hogwarts: A history states that you cannot duel with the Dark Lord in the premises of Hogwarts.

Voldemort turns to Hermione: Eh?

Hermione: Oh, don’t tell me you haven’t read Hogwarts: A history. I read it in my first year.

Voldemort: I’ll tell you what I learned in my first year. Avada Kedavra!

Hermione flinches. But doesn’t die.

Hermione: Haha. LOSER.

Voldemort: Wait. I must’ve said something wrong. Avada Kedavra!

Hermione jumps up and down: Yikes Harry! I’m the Girl Who Survived.

Harry: Oh crap. That means I’m no special. There was something wrong with this bald head case.

Voldemort: Come on. I don’t look that bad. If you’re a girl who likes chalk-white guys who have brown, decaying teeth, red eyes, no nose and no hair; I’m the One for ya. <Winks at Hermione>

Ron: Watcha say to my girl?

Voldemort: Don’t you dare talk to me, red head. You can’t even speak my name.

Ron: I CAN!

Harry: But Ron, you never have.

Ron (in a small voice): That’s because I couldn’t pronounce it right.

Enter, Sybill Trelawney.

Sybill: Ah, Harry! I see it at last. The prophecy that I’d made a few years before has come back to me.

Voldemort: What is it? WHAT IS—

Sybill: Yo yo yo. Hold on mate. I’m old and cranky. I might lose my bangles any moment now. Don’t get so hyper. What are you, a third grader?

Voldemort: Sorry.

Sybill: Yeah. Here goes.

The One to vanquish the Dark Lord will reproach.
Proclaim that the Dark Lord is a filthy cockroach
The Dark Lord will mark him as his equal
And have his fat books made into seven sequels
Either must die by the end of the rope
Though, I personally wish that both of them croak
Alas, neither can live while the other survives
There, out in the open, your fate lies.

Harry: Okay. Um… I really need to go to the toilet.

Hermione: But Harry. You haven’t eaten anything since the past 24 hours.

Harry (under his breath): I have unusual bowels Hermione.

Voldemort: Oh looky here. Harry is running away. Unlike Lilly who danced disco in front of me before I killed her.

Harry: Expelliarmus!

Voldemort (in a bored voice): Avada Kedavra!

The wands connect. Hot springs jump out. Dead people emerge and merge. A few look around; a few socialize. Hermione keeps on stealing glances at Cedric; Ron keeps on scowling.
Harry looks around. Oh crap! There is no portkey this time. Where will the tremendous trio + Prof. Trelawney go?

An odd gurgling sound. A loud hiss and a lot of smell.

Harry: Voldemort?

Voldemort: Hmm?

Harry: I really really need to go to the loo. Can you give it a rest for a while?

Voldemort: I guess. You let go first.

Harry: No, you first.

Voldemort: HARRY! You first. Look. Of it hadn’t been for me; you wouldn’t have been famous.

Harry, after a while. : Oh, alright then.

Harry lowers his wand. The ghost like people look disappointed, say their final farewells and dissolve into thin air.



Something falls to the ground. A girl screams.

A boy whimpers.

And a stomach grumbles.

Voldemort lies on the ground, eyes and mouth still intact (thankfully).

Harry: Wait. Whoa.

He walks over to the limp form of voldemort and kicks his shins.

Harry: He’s really croaked.

Enter Dumbledore.

Harry: Professor! Did you see? I killed him! I KILLED VOLDE-

Dumbledore: Harry, I hate to break this to you but… There was another horcrux. He isn’t dead.

Harry: WHAT?

Dumbledore: Yes Harry. And just so you know, you didn’t kill Voldemort. His stupid wand backfired.

Harry: Oh. Crap.

The author's comments:
I love Harry Potter. But 'Twilight in two minutes' inspired me to write an article on harry potter too.. even if this isn't that good and has nothing to do with the true story, i did kind of find it funny and i hope you did too!
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This article has 2 comments.

on Aug. 21 2011 at 9:07 am
Writomania PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
22 articles 0 photos 119 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What really does not kill you, will only make you stronger"- Kanye West
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work of genius :P

on Aug. 10 2011 at 1:31 am
just-another-url GOLD, Cannes, Other
16 articles 6 photos 151 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's a good thing to be strange. Normalness leads to sadness." -Philip Lester

Haha, this is cool. Good job, but I'm not crazy about the end. It's like you cut it off and there wasn't a real ending. What happens, does voldemort never die or will harry destroy the horcrux ? Other then the ending, this is very funny and the phrophecy had me laughing so hard I was worried about my bowels ;) Great work, 4 out of 5 stars. :)