"Jak is Mar" | Teen Ink

"Jak is Mar"

May 29, 2013
By Rhyno BRONZE, Fox Point, Wisconsin
Rhyno BRONZE, Fox Point, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mar’s Log

Chapter 2014

My Destiny, Revealed by My Destiny

Greetings to you reader whoever you may be. My name is Mar (this much you might know). I, as you might know, am the founder of Haven City. This impassable safehaven was one of several cities that I constructed in my second life to protect humanity from the growing threats and the onset of the Hora Quan (the creatures that would come to be known as Metal Heads). These formidable beasts could be considered the banes of civilization as they are the ones who wiped out the ancient precursors, those who came before. They are moving on to defeat humanity, to their knowledge, the last living remnants of the great ones.

They are after me, for I have something they want, the last precursor egg. This is the other reason I constructed Haven. They will never make it past the multi-layered defences of the city including the shield wall and the wall itself. However, there is another side of this story that you might not be aware of.

When I was young, I was not fully aware of my destiny. In fact, I was oblivious to it and it was not for the reason you think. I am actually from the future and the past. Under the alias “Jak” I was the heir to the throne of Haven after Damas, the baron of the city and my father. However, the war against the Metal Heads was causing much unrest in the city council. They were blaming my father for our losses. I was only about four years old at the time, but now I understand all of this. The two council members that wanted my father dead were Senator Praxis and the accursed leader of the council himself, Count Veger. Little did I know, these two were planning to overthrow the Throne of Mar at the end of that very week. That night, Veger kidnapped me for his experiments. He was interested in my ability to wield eco, the source of life. Praxis overthrew and banished my father to the Wasteland. I was eventually lost to the rebellion against our corrupt government and its leader, the shadow. When I met my older self, I realized that my destiny was to defeat the Metal Head leader. After this I was transported to the past and later teleported to the future after finding the Gate of Mar. I met my previously mentioned past-self and sent him back in time.

I then lived in that present time and discovered the secret of the Precursor legacy and my destiny: to go back in time and become Mar and battle the Dark Makers, the ancient, eco-infected, precursors. So here I am now.

This is my final message to you, reader. For I am now on my last minutes before death, the Precursors tell me. I feel my time slowly ticking away. I have fulfilled my destiny, so now I die right here and now.

Part 2

The Revival

I do not know how I am still alive after death. All I see is a bright light, all I see, all I see, all I see... It feels like an eternity of servitude has left me and my role has been completed. So why do I live on? I actually see my dead body and find myself the same age as when I arrived in the past.

The light eco suddenly leaves me and I feel my dark-self return to another living thing. I feel more like myself again! all of the stuff I learned in my preserved light eco form seems to leave. I then remember what my old friend Daxter said like it was yesterday. “That’s the last time I ever touch any Precursor crap!” I almost feel the same way. I then turn to my alter-ego.“Hello Dark Jak, my old friend,” I say. I was kind of surprised, but I actually got a response. “Hey “Mar.,”about time I saw your “holy prophet” behind again without being retorted by that goody-goody light us. “Yeah,” I say.“How are we alive, though? I swear to Mar- I mean; can’t really say that can I; that we were going to the Precursor Flames Of The Dead a moment ago!” “I don’t know,” he says. “The sudden disappearance of light us was interesting, but not only that, his light turned into regular you and vanished!” “Strange; I feel like we aren't the only ones in here.” “Where are we anyway?” “Don’t go asking me.” “I am you!” “Oh, sorry.” Did I mention his temper?

Suddenly, I felt it. I was in a strikingly familiar place. I was in Mar’s Tomb. My friend felt it too. We both were here in the time paradox. “Oh” he says. “I remember what a pain this darn place was.” “Those spiders!” I also felt another familiar presence, that of the Precursor Leader and his “rad” and dumb allies. They foresaw my becoming of Mar and trained me in the role. They are also the reason I was transported back in time. Then, right in front of me, appeared the Precursor Leader. His ottsel-like appearance reminded me even more of Daxter and his loudmouth storytelling. God, I miss him.

He approached me with a sort of expression that told me that he needed my help. “Hello again Mar, or should I call you Jak.” “I’d prefer Jak,” I say. “What’s going on here? Why are you and I even here?” “Do you want to see your friends again?” “How is that possible?” “I understand that much of this does not make sense to you Jak, but all of your questions will be answered in a few minutes.” It’s times like this where I just comply. “Fine,” I say. “There’s the old Jak I watched over shining through! Come, I have much to explain.”

He then showed me some type of warp ring similar to the one I saw when I began this twisted destiny. I somehow walked myself into it and suddenly saw something else: The Precursor ship that they brought me here in. This was all within a forest of some kind. I assume it was Haven Forest. He gestured for me to enter and I did willingly.

Once we were inside, the ship took off through time. The Precursor Leader explains why I am still alive. “The future needs your help Jak,” says the Precursor leader. “Why?” “I wish I could tell you all the details, but you cannot know about your own future.” “Just tell me!” I feel my dark-self taking control of me. “All I can tell you is that the war against the Dark Makers is, strangely enough, not ending like it should and that there are things that you and your friend have done that have echoes.” “Wait!” “What does tha-” “It is said.” “You will not remember anything of your life as Mar or this conversation.” “You will only remember your current directive.” Suddenly, the “directive” appeared in my mind. “Go to the Spargus Arena, the place of Mar’s departure, and act like nothing ever happened.” This was the only directive. I then lost consciousness, seeing only darkness.

The author's comments:
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the content of this piece (or the Jak and Daxter franchise). All characters and mentioned environments belong to Naughty Dog Inc. This is not meant for the purpose of profit or theft.

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