Yours Truly | Teen Ink

Yours Truly

February 21, 2014
By Anonymous

Yours Truly

August 12th, 2225
Dear Violet,

Today was the Reaping. Another one of the careers has volunteered themselves to be slaughtered. I think London said that his name was Remus. But then there was a little 12 or 13 year old girl, I’m not sure, she volunteered for my cousin Veela. It was horrifying to see a girl so young volunteer herself for the games. I only have 3 more years V. I don’t want to go in. I wasn’t ever trained for this. Even if I was imagine what could happen to me. You had been training since you were five and look what happened to you. You know what, nevermind, I never should have even said anything about the games.

On a happier note, your friend Jemma is getting married to a man from the Capitol. I even heard that we might be invited to the wedding. Wouldn’t that be wonderful V? We could dance all night and just escape the district. Hopefully you can come and maybe you can meet me there.

You will never believe what happened this afternoon. One of the peacekeepers caught me trying to steal some food from one of the stores on the center. They tied me up and shocked me. Although painful, it almost felt… nice. It brought some kind of emotion back into me. The only time I get to show my emotions anymore is when I wrote to you V. I’ve been so lonely since you left. You were my best friend. Why did you leave me?
Yours Truly,
Cleopatra Nile

August 12th. 2226
Dear V,

This is going to be one of my last letters to you for a while V. I’m sitting on the train in my new room while writing this to you. My worst fear has come true. I am the female tribute of District 2 in the 26th annual Hunger Games. I have no skills that will be useful. Maybe the other tributes will kill me. I hope it’s quick at least. The male tribute scares me V. He doesn’t talk, just grunts and nods. He’s a giant compared to me and he could probably snap me in half with his own bare hands. I don’t even know his name. Then there are the mentors. There are three of them and I was told that they were all siblings. One’s name is Jacob and he has a twin brother named James. The other sibling is the youngest and her name is Isabella. She won the games a couple of years before you did. I wonder if she’ll help me try to win.

The only positive thing about this is I might be able to see you. Maybe we can meet up and have lunch like we used to. I would get the steak with fries and you would get that fancy little salad that I can’t remember the name of. Oh, maybe your sister can come as well. She was always so sweet. I’m going to have to stop writing now I think we’ve arrived in the Capitol. I wonder what I’ll be wearing during the chariot ride? I hope I look as pretty as you did during your games. Well this is goodbye for now V. I’ll write you later.
Yours Truly,

August 17th, 2226
Dear V,

It’s the night before the games. I snuck up to the roof of the training building so no one would find me. I don’t mean to be a downer, but I don’t think I’m going to make it V. I can’t throw knives and I’m not strong enough to hold the swords and spears. I was too small to really do any damage in hand-to-hand. I couldn’t even camo myself to hide. I’m going to die V. We’re never going to get to have lunch or go to Jemma’s wedding.

You know what else? You’ve never responded to any of my letters. Am I not your friend anymore? We were supposed to help each other through thick and thin. You also promised that you would protect me from the games. You lied to me. All of this is your fault. I wouldn’t be sitting here crying if it weren’t for you. I would have gone to training back home if it weren’t for you. This is all because you promised that you would protect me and you didn’t. I HATE YOU VIOLET!


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