Are Athletes Overpaid? | Teen Ink

Are Athletes Overpaid?

November 6, 2014
By Cassi_tice BRONZE, Oak Ridge, New Jersey
Cassi_tice BRONZE, Oak Ridge, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Are athletes overpaid while playing sports? Athletes are definitely way over paid for just playing a game. Athletes salaries are constantly increasing while there are some people who work all day and make next to nothing. Teachers for example barely make any money, and athletes are making millions!

     To begin with, athletes are way overpaid because doctors get paid next to nothing and they save people's lives. Athletes on the other hand get paid millions and only entertain people. The article by Sean Woolford states that "the highest paid doctor averages just over $500,000 a year." thats crazy for the amount of work and hours they put into their job compared to Professional Athletes who get paid more like 100,000,000. Doctors deserve to get paid more because they are so much more helpful than athletes.

Next, athletes are way overpaid because there are people who are struggling to pay 1 mortgage payment or their student loan and athletes could pay the mortgage for two mansions. At a point it gets to be too much money. The article by Sean Woolford says " in a time when many people are struggling to make mortgage payments, student loans, and find a good employment and it becomes frustrating to hear about someone who makes millions for playing a game." And its true, athletes get paid for swinging a bat and throwing a ball.

 One might argue that all the people who go to the football and baseball games are the ones that give them so much money for paying $150 per ticket. However, all the money that we pay should not go toward the player's salaries. Some of it should go to charities or a poor country. Who would want to give 1 person millions of dollars when there are some people who can not even afford a house. It says in the article, " The highest paid cubs player will make 19 million dollars in 2012." Thats crazy with the amount of poor/homeless people in the society today.

 In conclusion, Athletes really should not be paid as much as they are. The article says that "athletes salaries are at its all time high." Athletes really get enough money for all the fame they don't need to keep getting more and more from the money we pay, to go toward the players. Eventually there will be more homeless people than people with homes because all the money goes to the players when it should be going to charity. So hopefully athletes do not get paid so much because it is starting to get to be to much.

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