You Never Know What's Going To Happen | Teen Ink

You Never Know What's Going To Happen

December 22, 2014
By TorresLesly BRONZE, Bronx, New York
TorresLesly BRONZE, Bronx, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time in a forest,there lived a tiger with his family.He was very strong and brave.They all lived a wonderful life.Tiger wanted to go out and explore but his family wouldn’t let him go. “It’s too dangerous out there,” Mama Tiger said.Then one morning before Tiger’s mom and sisters woke up,he left.He was so happy that he didn’t cared where he was going.He just ran and ran.Until,he got lost and then he was worried.He couldn’t find his way back home.He got all the way to iceland and couldn’t go back home.

 Tiger got scared even though he was Tiger The Brave.He just kept running in different directions.He was lost.He didn’t know where he was going.Then Tiger saw a small old house and ran to it.He got there,went inside and stayed there.A few moments later,he heard a noise and turned around. “A witch!!” he yelled out. “I am not a witch” the witch said. “I may look old and ugly but that doesn’t make me a witch,”she said.The Tiger stayed silent for a few moments, “I’m lost,” he said. “I ran away from home and got lost” “Don’t worry,you can stay here as long as you  want,” the witch said in a creepy voice. “Really? Tiger said. “Yeah,sure” “I’m so lonely here and I have lots of space” Tiger stayed in the witch’s house for the night.

 The next morning,Tiger woke up and he was in a cage,he got scared and asked “What am I doing in this cage?!” He saw the witch by the kitchen and asked her why she did this. “I lied to you!” “I’m going to cook and eat you!”  “But I wanna go back home,please let me go.” “No!” the witch yelled.Tiger stayed there and a few moments later,a tall man came in and the witch got excited.He was standing by the cage. “Please let me go” I whispered. “Okay but i need the key” “It’s in her pocket.” The tall man acted like he was flirting with the witch,he carefully digged in her pocket and got the key.He ran to the cage and opened it.The witch tried to stop Tiger but Tiger bit her and ran out the house. “Why you keep letting my animals go?!” “I hate you!” the witch yelled.Tiger ran and ran and got back home. “I’m sorry for running away” Tiger said.Tiger and his family were happy and he never ran away again.

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