The Adventures of Scott Miles Chapter 3 | Teen Ink

The Adventures of Scott Miles Chapter 3

October 24, 2016
By sirmetaknight96 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
sirmetaknight96 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you reach a limit, try to break it.

The Day has finally come. I have trained so f***ing hard to at least try to beat this circuit. As I walked into the ring I can see Aran Ryan yelling like a maniac. You see what I told you. As the match start he jumps from one part of the ring to another trying to confuse me but I have very fast eyes. He actually sees, don't ask how, so I guess he wanted to have fun. He walks straight to me as he points at his face urging me to punch with full power. I smirked. Before the fight I found out that the only place where can take a punch is a right hook to the side of his ear. Sure he'll be up but his ears will be ringing. I shot a full power right hook to the side of his head as he almost went down. He began to panic sinceh can't hear much. I just kept doing full power right hooks until he went down. That may have been over in one round but trust me with the next guy it's different. As the Russian giant, Soda Popinski, came in in his signature red boxing gloves and thong he actually laughed at me. But he then stopped and puts a serious face as the match started. I guess he isn't that blind. The round had to end because it was either Popinski getting blungened by my punches or me getting pummel by his uppercuts. When round 2 started he started to use his drinks more. He teased me with one but I was able to kick it out of his hand. He start wailing on me. What I found out is that the angrier he gets the more tired he gets. So I keep dodging his punches. When he got really tired I pummeled him until he was out. The next guy was Bald Bull. I knew what to do with him. I started to insult him and urge him to use his bull charge. He was dumb enough to charge at me with hit uppercut. So I gut him as he went down. He wasn't knocked out but at least he was down until 10. Super Macho man walked but not before flexing in front of his audience. I just rolled my eyes as the match started. Macho man shot many exercise-like attacks but couldn't hit me once unless it was a fast one. Then the moment when he uses the Macho Hooks is when I became confused. He just did some kind of dramatic s*** until he wailed at me hitting my face every single time. I was able to restrain myself from going down and send out multiple right hooks. The round ended and I was sitting down as macho man was with his fans. I needed to figure out something to get this dude. Then I figured out something. What happens if I mess up his face. His prime entertainment for the ladies is his face and he always relies on it if the pecks doesn't work. So when round 2 started I shot a gigantic blow to his face. It didn't bruise but I knew it hurt. I kept hitting him in the face. Then a gigantic bruise the size of a plum could be seen. Macho man got pissed and charged at me. I grabbed him by the arm he tried to punch me with as I spun him around. I then let him go having him hit hard on one of the pole of the ring. I was proud that I beaten him but it was far from over. I could hear heavy foot steps behind me. When I turned around I saw Mr.Sandman. He was a black person looking a lot like Muhamid Ali. He had green boxing gloves and yellow and red shorts. He said nothing as he walked in. Thankfully with sandman I can do anything to beat him since everyone knows he is unbeatable. So I knew I had to bring in my karate. As the match start he began with a over headpunch but I dodged and punched him in the face. Bro I was able to daze him! I found out how to daze him! I start wailing at his gut. He threw a overhead punch to stop me but I dodged. I danced around the ring waiting for a punch. When he punched, I counter punched him in the face then wailed at his gut. I was able to knock him down but I knew he wasn't out. He got up on 3 as he slammed his fist shaking to the ground the ring and began to use his signature move. I was able to BARELY dodge it and wail at his gut again. It was round 2 now. Yes he can take that many guts to the stomach. It went on for 6 rounds of repeated punching in the gut and trying to get up before the referee says 10. Before I continue I wanna tell you a fact. Did you know that the World Circuit has a dark history nobody except a few people know about? Well I wasn't the only one that made it to Sandman. In 1994, a blonde hair boxer named Super Rick actually beaten the World Circuit twice. Afterwards he was found literally beaten to death by a unknown group of murderers. The same thing happened in 2009 when a 15 year old named Little Mac completed the same feat of strength where he was beaten to death. He wasn't murdered but he was taken to the hospital since he was in a coma-like state. When he woke up the cops asked who did this but he didn't know what happened because the beating was so severe that his memory was totally lost. He could only remembered that he beaten the World Circuit twice. I myself wanted to know as well. So not only am I trying to do this to make a mark but I'm doing this to see if I can find out anything. When the round 7 started I knew I had to finish it. I asked if I could not use my gloves and the referee said yes as long as I don't try to choke him. I took off my gloves. When he tried to punch me I countered by dodging and repeatedly hitting him in the gut with my palms causing more damage. I then jumped hitting the black giant in the chin with both my palms and then I hit him with all my strength on the top of his head causing him to knock out. I was breathing heavily as I walked out of the ring. I checked Sandman's personal room since now I can say that I own it now because I'm the new champion. Once I got the "Press" off my back I searched the room. I found a secret compartment under a rug. As I opened it, it revealed pictures of all of the World Circuit boxer doing a pose with the two victims of the assault. I crushed the paper as I heard the door open. It was Aran Ryan and he had a stern face. I was getting ready to fight him but instead he closes the door. "I didn't agree with it." he began "but Sandman threatened me family if I didn't do it. I'm sorry. Trust me if me family wasn't on the line, I wouldn't cared if I died I would've fought them all." I looked at him solemnly as said "It's ok. I understand. I would've done the same." Aran smiled as he said "I have a reason of not going with them. I need to go to Ireland to see me old grandma. Also Bald Bull didn't want it either. He just did it because he was afraid of death and didn't want to get killed by Sandman. You should help him out." I nodded as I went to prepare for the street brawl. At midnight I was walking down a alley as I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around as I saw Popinski, Bald Bull, Super Macho Man, and Sandman. I just stand there as I said "So...I'm sure you're here to kill me. Am I right." Sandman shouted "How did you know?!" I started to smoke a small cigar as I said "You don't have to know. What you do have to know that I won't be as nice as I was when I fought you guys. Oh and Bald Bull I wanna know something. Do you really want to do this? Or are you doing this just to escape death? Just to survive as long as you can? If so it's kind of low to choose a teen's life over yours. You live a good life you're ready to just get old and die but the teen has much to see and much to learn. Yet you chose yourself over the teenager. I am surprised bald bull very surprised." Bald Bull had wide eyes. He then had a face of anger as he tried to punch Sandman who was behind him but sand man caught as he grabbed his head and was slowly crushing it. Luckily I head butted him in the gut causing Sandman to let go of bull. I yelled "Bald Bull run!" Bull hesitated but ran as I backflipped away from the three giants in front of me. I was able to grab macho man and popinski by their pressure points but I was stupid enough to take a punch from Sandman causing him to break my skull as I hit a metal garbage can breaking my arm. Sandman beaten me to a pulp as he walked away from my lifeless body. I could feel my heart slowing down but then it started to go faster. I felt a electric shock going through me as I felt my skull fix it self as my arm was back to normal. Not only that but I feel a lot more stronger. Sandman saw this and was just shock. It gave me enough time to punch him repeatedly in his face. He got knocked out as I kicked Macho man and Popinski in the gut as I slammed them both to the cement floor. I sent down one picture for each boxer except Aran and Bald Bull since they had a change of heart. The next day it was announced that Mr.Sandman, Soda Popinski, and Super Macho Man was arrested for murder and assault. I layed in my couch knowing that boxing was murder free. I had to quit boxing so I gave the championship to a guy named Nick Bruiser. I wanted to give it to Little Mac but he wanted to retire as well. What bugs me the most is what happened to me when I was healed. I talk to my friend who was a scientist in which was surprised when I introduced my powers to him. My powers come from a liquid substance called Plasmids. Plasmids gives me many abilities and my scientist friend, Chris Martin, might be able to give me more abilities with the right amounts of other chemicals. When I told him what happened he jumped for joy because what happened to me gave proof of his "theory." His theory that if the plasmids were to be combined into one body, the immune system would go up so drastically that sickness would not affect me, poison can't affect me, and age would slow down so much I would be able to live for 1,000 years. Not only that but the more damage I take the faster I heal and the stronger and tougher I become. Sandman beaten me to a pulp so I must be as strong as him now. I was surprised of how such little drops of liquid can have that effect. I was also given new plasmids and new upgrades. For my fire I'm able to now turn it to lava so I can make a fire grenade or a fire mine. For lightning I'm able to make electromagnetic rock not only to increase my physical power but to also create a trap. I also got 4 new plasmids. "Ram charge" is a plasmid that give me super speed and makes me immune to attacks as long as I use it. Kind of like the juggernaut. "Murderous crows" summons crows where they eat the enemy alive. "Spartan strength" creates a little spark where the more projectiles it takes the bigger it becomes. The last one is call "Possesion" where I can turn one enemy into my ally but after a while it will turn normal but it will also kill itself. I'm pretty sure I ain't gonna do that one for a while.

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