I'd Rather Be Home | Teen Ink

I'd Rather Be Home

December 10, 2018
By qkalq BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
qkalq BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The car hit a pothole and I jumped awake. I thought I was being kidnapped, but then I remembered. I remembered why I was in a taxi on my way to the San Francisco Bay Area. Two weeks prior I was wrongly accused of assault. The cops stormed my apartment. I did the only smart thing to do and jumped out the window on to the fire escape. I got in my car with nothing but the clothes on my back. I drove to Alabama and stayed with a friend of mine for a few days. From there I called a cab that could take me to California. I had already been in the car for a day.

When we finally arrived it was almost midnight. I had my cab driver take me to the cheapest motel we could find. I paid him all in cash. The motel lobby was playing the news. It was a story about how someone was on the run from the Alabama police. I put my head down and pulled my sweatshirt hoodie over my head.

“Hello, there young man,” The receptionist greeted, “How may I help you?”

“I’d like you cheapest room please.” I responded still looking at my worn shoes.

“OK one minute.”

I tuned by into the TV to see if they were going to show a picture of me. They had changed to a story about a woodpecker species that recently went extinct.

“Here you are, sir” The receptionist slid a key across the counter. “That’ll be seventy dollars.

I handed her the money, took the key and went down the hall. “Your welcome!” She called across the hall.

“Yeah...  thanks, I guess.” I mumbled.

I was finally in my room. It was my sanctuary for the next ten hours. I dreaded the fact that I had to leave. I undressed and went to the shower. One of the sink handles was broken, the tile and walls were pink and the vanity was stained very dark. The shower did not have anything hotter than lukewarm. I finished and went back into the main room. I started to dress than realized that I should wash my clothes. Surprisingly, there was a tired washing machine and dryer. I put my clothes in the washer and lay in bed, plotting my future. I didn't know what I would have to do, nor do after this. I guess the first thing to do was get a job… but that would be hard if I didn't change the way I looked or dressed. I grabbed one of my shoes. There must be a way to make myself taller. Then it struck me… A meager extra inch wouldn't be enough. This would have to be a lifestyle change. I would need to gain weight and maybe some facial hair to complete the look. New clothes would also be a necessity. I wouldn't be able to live with one outfit. That would be my goal for tomorrow.

The washer buzzed, signaling that the load was done. I got out of my bed and moved my clothes into the dryer. I went to my bed and thought about how I’d rather be home, no matter how bad the area was.  

The author's comments:

This piece takes place in the 1990s. It is about someone who doesn't trust the police and is on the run from them. Towards the end of the piece, the character wants to go home. 

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