Waves of Constantinople | Teen Ink

Waves of Constantinople

October 25, 2021
By Anonymous

The year is 860, I walk on the shimmering marble streets of Constantinople, the sun is bright, the Mediterranean is dark, the streets smell of oil, bread, and olives. And yet nothing from the Black sea, every day, nothing, just boats, seagulls, and waves. 

But this day is different I tell myself. Today something exciting will happen, and I don’t know why but I wish for this sea to be the one. 

I own a few boats with my family. And everyday I go out, not towards the sea of opportunity, but the sea of nothing. Exploring, searching for something, trying to go through the outside of its skin and into the inside of its waves. For they move constantly, in whichever direction they choose, always with energy, happily playing with other waves. 

And then I see something in the distance; massive ships. Ships of wood, with creatures at the head of each one, shields on the sides, with hundreds of men, wearing wool, furs, and leather and steel armor. They tower over kings, with beards so long they look like lion's manes, and with muscles as strong as metals. 

I knew there was something or someone in the sea, for it had not been explored before. I feel the boat being tugged, slowly rocky back and forth.

I look at the sea once more, it's faster now, it brings the people here as fast as if it was a horse. I paddle back home as fast as my arms can take me, and I can hear the waves crashing, thunder roaring, and drums beating, coming after me, hunting me like sharks. I jump off my boat and dash for my home trying to find my family, when I do , we hide in the home to wait out the attack.

What comes next I shall not say, for it still haunts me to this day, but all I heard was slashing, crunching, screaming, and largest of all, fire and blood.

The author's comments:

So for this set piece I was going for a poem, with some historical things happening, and I was trying to show how the main character tries to find something in themselves. And also I would use a lot of metaphors in the set piece. Also I really like history and in this story I would also try to make history more action packed and peaceful/poetic. 

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