A Free Man | Teen Ink

A Free Man

May 6, 2012
By Anonymous

I ran, I ran as fast as I could. I hadn't eaten for days but I wasn't going to stop and try to get food. My feet hit the ground as the soft soil covered them like a blanket. The other slaves stared at me as I ran through the field. I heard my master yell something to the paddy-roller but, I didn't stop to listen. I began to think, think about what might happen to me if the paddy-roller caught me but, the thought not only scared me but, slowed me down as well. I decided to clear my mind. I was running faster than ever and felt invincible.

I finally felt freedom below my feet as I reached the woods. I continued to run not looking back but, only to the future. I suddenly tripped. My moment of invincibility, shattered. I turned as I got up and saw the paddy-roller take out a shotgun. I ran in zig-zags trying to confuse the paddy-roller then dove into a bush. I stayed there for what felt like hours, until finally I heard the paddy roller mumble something to himself and walk away. I watched him walk back to the black and white dotted cotton plantation and stood up when I could no longer see him. I decided I didn't have to run anymore. I decided I could walk. Walk… as a free man.

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