Nat Turner | Teen Ink

Nat Turner

February 3, 2014
By Mayra Tellez BRONZE, Watsonville, California
Mayra Tellez BRONZE, Watsonville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On August 21, 1831, Nat turner led a violent insurrection meaning that he upraised violently against the white men authorities. He believed he was sent from god to deliver a message that slavery needed to stop. 56 - 65 people died during the rebellion and the slavery didn't stop, but actually became worse.

I was born in Southampton County, Virginia on October 02, 1800. on 1820 I ran away and hid from my owners, “Samuel Turner” because I was getting divine messages that I had to, but a month later I came back from the woods to the plantation and that was the place where I got the first divine message that slavery should stop and all the slaves should be released. That day I saw white spirits and black spirits engaged in a battle, and the sun was darkened, the thunder rolled in the Heavens, and blood flowed in streams, minutes later I heard a voice saying, "Such is your luck, such you are called to see, and let it come rough or smooth, you must surely bear it." I remember how the tears of sweat were running down my forehead into my cheeks i wasn't really sure why I was scared and nervous, I didn't know what to say in return so I just stood there . Three years later I got another divine message and god told me that the serpent had been loosened, and that I had to wait for the next message where he would tell me that I could start fighting against the serpent. The last message god sent me was when the sky turned bluish-greenish, I thought it was time. Soon later we traveled from house to house, killing all the white people we saw and freed all the slaves. We heard screams and we saw the fear in their eyes. We didn't want to alert anyone so we used knives, muskets, axes and hatchets instead of firearms. This didn’t last very long because the officials stopped us, that day we were on our way to the next home and I got the message that the officials were after me so
I soon decided to run away and hide, I didn't regret anything that I had done but I was scared because I knew that the instant they would find me they were going to kill me.

Epilogue: The officials later found him and he was sentenced to death. They tortured him and hung him. After his death, around 200 blacks were also killed, including the people that were part of the violent insurrection and many innocent slaves.

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