It All Comes Down to the Love of a Woman | Teen Ink

It All Comes Down to the Love of a Woman

April 30, 2014
By kspolcyn BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
kspolcyn BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the small town of White Sulphur Springs, Virginia, there lived two brothers Vincent and Theodore Shane. Vincent was a troublemaker from the day he was born. He was constantly causing mischief, especially towards their nanny and housekeeper Loretta. Theo on the other hand was responsible and obedient. The town’s people called him an angel. Their parents were Elvira and Paul. Elvira was a conceited self-centered woman, who only loved Vincent, while Mr. Shane, a kind hearted man, secretly favored Theo. Mr. Shane was a wealthy merchant and plantation owner. Even though he lives in a heavily Confederate area, he and his son Theo were in full support of the Union. Theo lied about his age and even joined the Union. Elvira has a long line of Southern heritage endorsed the Confederacy, not because of their beliefs though. Vincent, to please his mother, joined the Confederacy.
The real trouble started when both brothers met Katerina Maine at a Christmas party. Both had taken a leave of absence from the war. Katerina had been visiting from Michigan. She came to town to see her cousin Hattie. Vincent was smitten at first sight and vowed that he would make her his wife. The whole night he couldn’t stay away from her. She knew of his feelings, but Katerina felt herself drawn to Theo. He captivated her with his warm green eyes and big kind smile. During the waltz, Katerina snuck out of the party to get some air. Theo also happened to be there. The duo talked till dawn. They hadn’t even realized how long they’d talked. Theo knew they had just met, but he got down on one knee and asked for her to join him in town tomorrow. Katerina excitedly accepted.
Vincent returned home raving to his mother about the amazing girl he’d just met. He told her about his plans to get to know her, to woo her, and someday even marry her. His mother had never seen Vincent so happy in her entire life. Mrs. Shane knew she had to act fast if her son was to be happy. She approached her husband in the parlor to discuss marriage. When she made it into the parlor, she saw Mr. Shane talking to Theo about marriage as well—marriage to none other than Katerina Maine. Mrs. Shane knew her husband favored Theo over Vincent; he’d easily make arrangements for Theo instead of Vincent. Mrs. Shane burst into the room and spoke her mind to Mr. Shane. The duo argued the whole night. The argument ended with Mr. Shane harshly told Mrs. Shane that Theo would have Miss Maine and Vincent would receive Hattie Maine, her cousin.
Mrs. Shane couldn’t bear to tell Vincent. She knew she had too though. So she and he sat down at breakfast and broke the news to him. He was heartbroken and devastated. Hattie was beautiful without a doubt, but she wasn’t Katerina. She had a fire in her eyes that Vincent just loved. He knew she’d always keep him on his toes. He never wanted an obedient wife who followed his every command. Vincent wanted a girl like Katerina Maine. He turned to his mother and spoke three words that sealed his and Theo’s fate, “Theo will pay.”
The brothers both went back to war about a month after the party. Theo and Katerina were going to be married after the war ended. It was a day the pair couldn’t wait to come. Vincent happily played along with Hattie, but would always be looking at Katerina when he was with her. He knew by the end of the war Katerina would be his. Vincent didn’t care if Theo or Hattie got hurt in the process.
Vincent and Theo had a battle at Antietam. Both knew the other was going to be there. Theo had no intention of harming his brother, in fact if it came down to it he was going to protect him, while Vincent on the other hand, had every intent on hurting Theo.
Guns were firing. Men were dying. Blood was everywhere. You couldn’t walk three steps without seeing a corpse. Vincent on Theo were the few men still standing. Theo pulled one of his fellow wounded soldier to safety. He brought him to a willow tree and somehow the tree had no been burnt to the ground. Theo stopped to catch his breath. What Theo didn’t know as he gulped down water from his canteen was Vincent was sneaking up behind him gun in arms ready to make his move. Theo luckily turned around in time:
“What are you doing brother?” Theo questioned, trying to keep his distance from him.
Vincent just stepped closer, “I am doing what has to be done.”
“And what would that be, Vincent?” he asked, feeling for his gun.
“In order for Katerina and I to be happy, you need to go,” Vincent explained.
“What do you mean, brother?” Theo inquired.
“You need to die!” Vincent shouted, pulling the trigger and shooting Theo in the shoulder.
Theo clutched his shoulder in pain, “Brother, I beg of you! Please don’t do this!”
Vincent was ready to aim again, “Why aren’t you fighting back, Theo? Don’t you want to fight for your woman?”
“I’m not going to hurt you brother. Katerina would understand that,” Theo responded calmly.
“Well I am going to hurt you brother,” Vincent sneered, shooting Theo in the chest.
Theo gasped for air, “What have you become?”
Vincent knelt besides his dying brother, “A love sick monster. I guess father was right. It does all come down to the love of a woman.”

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