Rosa Parks: My Story | Teen Ink

Rosa Parks: My Story

May 19, 2014
By Katherine Wittner BRONZE, Hurst, Texas
Katherine Wittner BRONZE, Hurst, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“You’re black, you can’t sit here,” said the white man. I’m not giving up my seat, I thought to myself, not this time. “No. I’m not moving. I have just as much right to sit here as you do,” I replied. The man went and told the bus driver and she called the police.

“Rosa Parks, you are under arrest,” said the police officer. “For what, not letting him sit where I am already sitting?” I was furious. “Yes ma’am, that’s right. You are not equal to a white man. You don’t have the same rights.” By now we were out on the sidewalk by the bus stop.

“What’s so wrong with being black? We are all humans. It’s not like I committed a crime or anything!” I shouted. “Ma’am, get in the car. You are going to jail,” replied the officer.

My jail cell smelled, had an uncomfortable bed, and my meals were rice, vegetables and a nasty protein pill. Life was miserable because I wouldn’t give a white man my seat.

The next morning, an officer came and gave me an orange jump suit and told me to follow him. I went into a room with a glass wall, a telephone and my momma on the other side. “Someone would like to speak to you,” explained the officer.

“Momma, it was so not right that I got arrested. I should have equal rights, so why don’t I?” She just cried like a baby. “Rosa, you are a strong woman. I am proud of you for standing up for yourself, but you know that we don’t have the same rights as a white person.”

I started thinking, why don’t I just pack up and move somewhere where I have equal rights. This life in America was not a good life. I was not looked at as even a human being. But I am going to loyal to my country, even if my country isn’t loyal to me.

Segregation isn’t fair, but this is my home. I can’t leave everything just for my happiness. I will get blacks equal rights. I will be treated as a human.

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