My never ending mother | Teen Ink

My never ending mother

January 2, 2016
By mother BRONZE, Ledyard, Alaska
mother BRONZE, Ledyard, Alaska
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It is a sunny, warm day in Kent, England. There is a slight breeze rooming through the town as trees sway side to side bringing down leaves from them, having just a little air resistance as they swirl their way down.  I see joyous kids and families working on the farms and growing crops for Thanksgiving dinner.  I could hear and sense all the kids playing with laughter and enjoyment in their gardens.   You could hear all of the livestock, with their own unique sounds, throughout the whole town.  Running down the stairs with a smile on my face. As happy as a rabbit finding a carrot. 
“Hey Pete did you remember to get some eggs from the farm?” My Mom said, with a questionable look on her face because she knew I didn’t!
“I will go get them now Mom,” I said with exhaustion from the fall down the stairs. 
Even though it was a nice, sunny day I would really rather be inside, playing football with my brothers. I know this sounds unlikely that on a beautiful day we are playing inside but I think it is way more fun to just play inside. My brother is named ‘Pete’, and is one of my twelve brothers! I like him the most because all of my other brothers and sisters are always playing with dolls or working on homework. We love to go on adventures together with our pet dog, ‘Oscar’. He is a coconut colored dog with white dots. He is really not our pet but we found him in the woods so we took him and took care of him. She is as nice as apple pie.
  As I get back with eggs I notice that I picked out the geese eggs, but I don’t think my mom cares. My Mom is one of the nicest human beings on Earth and does everything for us, since my dad died fighting against the German a couple of years ago. She is as nice as apple pie.

My mom yelled, “Pete goes outside with Daniel for a hike in the woods.”
I replied with sarcasm “Yeah that’s a great idea!”
I walk out the door, and I can feel the breeze go up and out of my shirt. As we walk through the opening of the forest I could feel the leaves falling on top me.  Leaves make a crushing noise as we walk on top and through the blanket they have made for us. The trees giving us high fives. As we now enter a large open field of nothing, we take a break trying to take in the fresh air in the atmosphere. Flash! I caught something with the corner of my eye. It looked as though there was a long stick with a blade of some sort. As my heart is pounding I thought to myself and then told Daniel:
“We should go. I think we have to get back for dinner” I said to Daniel, to try and persuade him to go with me.
“Okay, but why so early?” Daniel said, wondering.
“Just come on,” I said.
Off we went, and as I could feel someone near, I picked up the pace.  As we enter the village I was glad nothing had happened because something didn’t seem right back there.  I run in to the house colliding with my brothers and sisters.
  “When we were out on a hike I saw something that didn’t seem right,” I say to my Mom, as I gasp for breath.
My Mom responds: “I’m sure it was just a rabbit.”
“I know it was not a rabbit. It was something with a stick and had a sharp object at the end,” I say while wondering what it could have been.
  My Mom didn’t get to respond as a gunshot goes off in the background, shaking our house and making us all fearful for our safety.  My Mom sends us all downstairs. When I get down there I noticed that it was just us kids, and my Mom is still upstairs. I could hear the door slam open and a scream went off. I just knew then I could have just lost my only memory keeper and the person closest to me.
All us kids slowly made our way upstairs I could see Germans putting people in trucks as hostage, and others were shot if they seemed of little use. The trucks taunting me that our mom might be there.   I was upstairs now, and I could see bodies lying on the ground.  I knew we couldn’t stay here much longer. I told my siblings my plan that we rush out the door on the side of the house, straight to the woods. As we follow the plan and find temporary safety, I was trying to think of an idea to find my only parent. Just as I come up with an idea, I get a surprise appearance from my two cousins, Jack and Conner. They were both hunters so they probably were out in the woods while this happened. I told them my plan and we all left our hiding spot together, to get a closer look at what was happening. We come to the back of a house near where the Germans were seeming to throw in the hostages. They probably intended to use them as slaves back in Germany. I could only hope my Mom was in there or else she was dead. So my heart was pounding, and I was scared but I didn’t want to lose the only parent I have.
“Not now!” I kept saying to myself.
This is too young for her to die. Crash!  Someone is down on the ground. As I try to look away, I see my Mom. She is in a line with others and it seems that they are being inspected as to whether they are to be shot or not.   I took the rock from Daniel’s hand, and threw it onto the top of the house to get the guards attention. I would always get in trouble for taking objects and throwing them at people but now was the time I could see if I had a new skill. Another rock catapults in the air and knocks down the guard, and the hostages go crazy and start scrambling out the truck and the line. I see my Mom run out with her hair all over the place and slash marks from the wip of the soldiers. As everyone was running in different directions wailing their hands in the air shouting “help”. I signal my Mom and she sneakily runs over to me.
I said “We need to make it to the woods fast. The rest of the family is there and if we leave them there for a while longer they will be caught and most likely dead.”
My Mom responds with terror “Why would you leave them alone, you should have left me.”
I said “Never, you are my only guide in life and for you to die this early would be a nightmare for the rest of my life.”
So off we go, curving around houses with the speed of a cheetah. As we come upon the bush I could hear kids talking. So I didn’t mean to scare them but I guess it was a surprise.
I said “We have to go quick. Start running towards the bay.” 
As they all start running I could see Germans making their way up the hill coming towards us at a decent speed. As I start running after the rest of my family more families join, running to the ships where the boats had come to help. My body was shaking with nervousness. ‘Boom’, a shot hits the tree west of my shoulder. It seems like the German soldiers were coming from the woods now. And just then I could not find my Mom. So I ran back looking everywhere and then I saw something that made my heart stop and felt like it dropped. I just figured out that my mom had been shot and killed. 
It is the winter. It feels like it’s only been a couple of days since I lost my Mom. The life now days have been rough having to be kept in an orphanage working for a group of people. It’s been like being in a jail cell.  I have had to be in charge of feeding my family in the orphanage. I miss my Mom and it shouldn’t have been her to die on that day. She was my only parent and guide for life. I try to think of what she would say before I would do something.  I think of her every day and I am grateful I have been to have had her in my life. But if she was still around I alright would like to tell her that everything is going to be.

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