A Woman that Claims that I am her son | Teen Ink

A Woman that Claims that I am her son

January 26, 2016
By Anonymous


Like any typical Korean would,
as a child I listened to the story of Dokdo.
"Dokdo is our land." My mom would say
"Dokdo is our land." I would repeat


                                                       As a middle school student,
                                                  I learned the history of Dokdo.
                          "1905, Japan claims Dokdo island to be theirs."
                                                            the text book would say
       "1905, Japan claims Dokdo island to be theirs." I would read
                                           "1905, Korea ignores." it would say
                                           "1905, Korea ignores." I would read


As a high school student,
I sigh as I read the dreadful news:
"Japan once again claims sovereignty over Dokdo"
"If only Korea hadn't ignored the first time.." I sometimes think




You know, there was a gullible bubble living in the

But then again, everyone was gullible.
Anyways, that gullible bubble loved to swim in the sky blue sea.
One day that bubble swam
                                      swam  to the
                                                of the sky blue sea
and he s  u   b   e    across trouble.
             t  m   l   d

In the        of the sky blue sea, the boy was crying.

Takeshima the gullible bubble cried.
              Why are you crying the gullible bubble asked
But the boy cried
He filled the sky blue sea with his sky blue tears.




But you know, the boy wasn't a sad boy from the very beginning.
He was a h   boy, living with his loving mom - the woman of     
            a                                               red  
              p                                                and
                p                                                      blue  

Well, 110 years ago that is.
One day, like any other day, the boy was playing with
                                        his fish toy
                                                and                                                                his fish friends.
Then SHE came.
The woman from a nearby island.
                 The woman of Red and White that is.

The Woman of Red and White that is
She saw the boy.
    She saw his fish toy.
        She saw his fish friends.

      Toy fish mine
she said 
                             No, Mine
                                                       the boy said
      Fish Friend mine
she said              
                             No, Mine
                                                       the boy said


The woman was really angry.
She REALLY wanted that Fish toy, you know.
She REALLY wanted that Fish Friend, you know.
So, she 
                  Oh, this is a good Idea
                        she thought


        Then You is MINE.
She said.
        Then You is MY SON.
She said.
        Then Fish toy is MINE.
She said.
        Then Fish Friend is MINE.
She said.
She said.
         You is Takeshima she said.
She called him with a name he had never heard of.

                                                     the boy laughed
                                 That is a nice joke
                                                       the boy said
                                                     the mom laughed
                                 That is a nice joke
                                                       the mom said
They laughed and laughed and laughed.

When the woman of Red and White ran 

                                              r    o
                                     a the sky blue sea u
screaming                             d    n
              Boy is mine
              Boy is MY son
              Boy is Takeshima,
they laughed and MORE and MORE and MORE 
When the woman of Red and White ran      

                                             R     O   
                                              r    o  
                                 A a the sky blue sea u U
                                           d    n    
                                          D     N
             Boy is mine
             Boy is MY son
             Boy is Takeshima,
they laughed and laughed and laughed
           Who believe that
                                 they thought 
But you know, everyone in the 

                                      ocean is gullible   

When the woman of Red and White ran   
                                                R     O   
                                              r    o
                                            r  o
                                 A a a the sky blue sea u u U
                                           d   n
                                          d      n         
                                          D        N

              Boy is mine               
              Boy is MY son.
              Boy is Takeshima,
                                          the bubbles started to say
                                         the seagulls started to say
                                          the rocks started to say
The mom and boy could laugh no more.

they said
He is NOT Takeshima
the mom said
He is MY son
the mom said
I am NOT Takeshima
the boy said
I am the son of RED and BLUE
the boy said

But no one listened.
they would say.
It was like fIrE, you know.
Once it starts spreading, you can't stop it.
Well, if you stopped it in the first place, it wouldn't have spread at all but that wasn't the case, was it.
And that is the reason why the boy is sad.

What's the boy's real name you ask?
His name is Dokdo
His real name is Dokdo
He is the son of
               red and blue
He is the son of Korea

Not that anyone cares.







Currently, Dokdo is officially accepted as the territory of Korea.

Yet, it is still under the danger of being called Takeshima. 

To this day, Korea fights for the true name of her son, Dokdo.


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